package config import ( "fmt" "kode-creator/utils" "time" "" ) type Config struct { DebugMode bool LogLevel string author string ModifDate string ConfigFileYmlName string TokenEnv string GithubTokenEnv string GitTeaTokenEnv string VerboseFlag bool JsonFlag bool VersionFlag bool HelpFlag bool Url URLConfig ListCmd ListCmdConfig CreateCmd CreateCmdConfig EnvCmd EnvCmdConfig applicationName string } type URLConfig struct { Base string ApiBase string ApiOrgs string } type ListCmdConfig struct { Organization string GitFlag bool TeaFlag bool User string UserFlag bool listOrganizationFlag bool GitHubSearchFlag bool GitHubSearch string } type CreateCmdConfig struct { Name string Description string DirectoryFlag bool VersionFlag bool ReadmeFlag bool GitFlag bool TeaFlag bool Organization string OrganizationFlag bool PrivateFlag bool } type EnvCmdConfig struct { EnvVariablesFlag bool EnvVariablesListFlag bool EnvVariablesFilterFlag bool EnvVariablesFilter string EnvVariablesYmlFlag bool EnvVariablesCategoryFlag bool EnvVariablesCategory string EnvVariablesSetFlag bool EnvVariablesShowAllFlag bool EnvVariablesKey string EnvVariablesValue string EnvVariablesDeleteFlag bool } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // **** G E N E R A L GETTER - SETTER **** // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // Getter for DebugMode field func (c *Config) GetDebugMode() bool { return c.DebugMode } // Setter for DebugMode field func (c *Config) SetDebugMode(value bool) { c.DebugMode = value } // Getter for LogLevel field func (c *Config) GetLogLevel() string { return c.LogLevel } // Setter for LogLevel field func (c *Config) SetLogLevel(value string) { c.LogLevel = value } // Getter for author field func (c *Config) GetAuthor() string { return } // Setter for author field func (c *Config) SetAuthor(value string) { = value } // Getter for modifDate field func (c *Config) GetModifDate() string { return c.ModifDate } // Setter for modifDate field func (c *Config) SetModifDate(value string) { c.ModifDate = value } // Getter for ConfigFileYmlName field func (c *Config) GetConfigFileYmlName() string { return c.ConfigFileYmlName } // Setter for ConfigFileYmlName field func (c *Config) SetConfigFileYmlName(value string) { c.ConfigFileYmlName = value } // Getter for GithubTokenEnv field func (c *Config) GetGithubTokenEnv() string { return c.GithubTokenEnv } // Setter for GithubTokenEnv field func (c *Config) SetGithubTokenEnv(value string) { c.GithubTokenEnv = value } // Getter for GithubTokenEnv field func (c *Config) GetGitTeaTokenEnv() string { return c.GitTeaTokenEnv } // Setter for GithubTokenEnv field func (c *Config) SetGitTeaTokenEnv(value string) { c.GitTeaTokenEnv = value } // Getter for verboseFlag field func (c *Config) GetVerboseFlag() bool { return c.VerboseFlag } // Setter for verboseFlag field func (c *Config) SetVerboseFlag(value bool) { c.VerboseFlag = value } // Getter for jsonFlag field func (c *Config) GetJsonFlag() bool { return c.JsonFlag } // Setter for jsonFlag field func (c *Config) SetJsonFlag(value bool) { c.JsonFlag = value } // Getter for versionFlag field func (c *Config) GetVersionFlag() bool { return c.VersionFlag } // Setter for versionFlag field func (c *Config) SetVersionFlag(value bool) { c.VersionFlag = value } // Getter for helpFlag field func (c *Config) GetHelpFlag() bool { return c.HelpFlag } // Setter for helpFlag field func (c *Config) SetHelpFlag(value bool) { c.HelpFlag = value } // Getter for url field func (c *Config) GetUrl() URLConfig { return c.Url } // Setter for url field func (c *Config) SetUrl(value URLConfig) { c.Url = value } // Getter urlBase field func (c *Config) GetUrlBase() string { return c.Url.Base } // Setter urlBase field func (c *Config) SetUrlBase(value string) { c.Url.Base = value } // Getter urlApiBase field func (c *Config) GetUrlApiBase() string { return c.Url.ApiBase } // Setter urlApiBase field func (c *Config) SetUrlApiBase(value string) { c.Url.ApiBase = value } // Getter urlApiOrgs field func (c *Config) GetUrlApiOrgs() string { return c.Url.ApiOrgs } // Setter urlApiOrgs field func (c *Config) SetUrlApiOrgs(value string) { c.Url.ApiOrgs = value } // Getter for applicationName field func (c *Config) GetApplicationName() string { return c.applicationName } // Setter for applicationName field func (c *Config) SetApplicationName(value string) { c.applicationName = value } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // * * * * L I S T C M D GETTER - SETTER * * * * // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // Getter for listCmd field func (c *Config) GetListCmd() ListCmdConfig { return c.ListCmd } // Setter for listCmd field func (c *Config) SetListCmd(value ListCmdConfig) { c.ListCmd = value } // Getter for listOrganizationFlag field func (c *Config) GetListOrganizationFlag() bool { return c.ListCmd.listOrganizationFlag } // Setter for listOrganizationFlag field func (c *Config) SetListOrganizationFlag(value bool) { c.ListCmd.listOrganizationFlag = value } // Getter for listOrganization field func (c *Config) GetListOrganization() string { return c.ListCmd.Organization } // Setter for listOrganization field func (c *Config) SetListOrganization(value string) { c.ListCmd.Organization = value } // getter for Git flag func (c *Config) GetGitFlag() bool { return c.ListCmd.GitFlag } // setter for Git flag func (c *Config) SetGitFlag(value bool) { c.ListCmd.GitFlag = value } // getter for Tea flag func (c *Config) GetTeaFlag() bool { return c.ListCmd.TeaFlag } // setter for Tea flag func (c *Config) SetTeaFlag(value bool) { c.ListCmd.TeaFlag = value } // getter for User func (c *Config) GetListUser() string { return c.ListCmd.User } // setter for User func (c *Config) SetListUser(value string) { c.ListCmd.User = value } // getter for ListUserFlag func (c *Config) GetListUserFlag() bool { return c.ListCmd.UserFlag } // setter for ListUserFlag func (c *Config) SetListUserFlag(value bool) { c.ListCmd.UserFlag = value } // getter for GitHubSearchFlag func (c *Config) GetGitHubSearchFlag() bool { return c.ListCmd.GitHubSearchFlag } // setter for GitHubSearchFlag func (c *Config) SetGitHubSearchFlag(value bool) { c.ListCmd.GitHubSearchFlag = value } // getter for GitHubSearch func (c *Config) GetGitHubSearch() string { return c.ListCmd.GitHubSearch } // setter for GitHubSearch func (c *Config) SetGitHubSearch(value string) { c.ListCmd.GitHubSearch = value } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // * * * * C R E A T E C M D GETTER - SETTER * * * * // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // Getter for createCmd field func (c *Config) GetCreateCmd() CreateCmdConfig { return c.CreateCmd } // Setter for createCmd field func (c *Config) SetCreateCmd(value CreateCmdConfig) { c.CreateCmd = value } // Getter for createName field func (c *Config) GetCreateName() string { return c.CreateCmd.Name } // Setter for createName field func (c *Config) SetCreateName(value string) { c.CreateCmd.Name = value } // Getter for createDescription field func (c *Config) GetCreateDescription() string { return c.CreateCmd.Description } // Setter for createDescription field func (c *Config) SetCreateDescription(value string) { c.CreateCmd.Description = value } // Getter for Directory field func (c *Config) GetCreateDirectoryFlag() bool { return c.CreateCmd.DirectoryFlag } // Setter for Directory field func (c *Config) SetCreateDirectoryFlag(value bool) { c.CreateCmd.DirectoryFlag = value } // Getter for versionFlag field func (c *Config) GetCreateVersionFlag() bool { return c.CreateCmd.VersionFlag } // Setter for versionFlag field func (c *Config) SetCreateVersionFlag(value bool) { c.CreateCmd.VersionFlag = value } // Getter for createReadme field func (c *Config) GetCreateReadmeFlag() bool { return c.CreateCmd.ReadmeFlag } // Setter for createReadme field func (c *Config) SetCreateReadmeFlag(value bool) { c.CreateCmd.ReadmeFlag = value } // Getter for createGit flag func (c *Config) GetCreateGitFlag() bool { return c.CreateCmd.GitFlag } // Setter for createGit flag func (c *Config) SetCreateGitFlag(value bool) { c.CreateCmd.GitFlag = value } // Getter for createTea flag func (c *Config) GetCreateTeaFlag() bool { return c.CreateCmd.TeaFlag } // Setter for createTea flag func (c *Config) SetCreateTeaFlag(value bool) { c.CreateCmd.TeaFlag = value } // Getter for create Orgenization field func (c *Config) GetCreateOrgenization() string { return c.CreateCmd.Organization } // Setter for create Orgenization field func (c *Config) SetCreateOrgenization(value string) { c.CreateCmd.Organization = value } // Getter for create Orgenization flag func (c *Config) GetCreateOrgenizationFlag() bool { return c.CreateCmd.OrganizationFlag } // Setter for create Orgenization flag func (c *Config) SetCreateOrgenizationFlag(value bool) { c.CreateCmd.OrganizationFlag = value } // Getter for createPrivate field func (c *Config) GetCreatePrivateFlag() bool { return c.CreateCmd.PrivateFlag } // Setter for createPrivate field func (c *Config) SetCreatePrivateFlag(value bool) { c.CreateCmd.PrivateFlag = value } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // * * * * E N V C M D GETTER - SETTER * * * * // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // Getter for envCmd field func (c *Config) GetEnvCmd() EnvCmdConfig { return c.EnvCmd } // Setter for envCmd field func (c *Config) SetEnvCmd(value EnvCmdConfig) { c.EnvCmd = value } // Getter for envVariblesFlag flag func (c *Config) GetEnvVariblesFlag() bool { return c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesFlag } // Setter for envVariblesFlag flag func (c *Config) SetEnvVariblesFlag(value bool) { c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesFlag = value } // Getter for env list flag func (c *Config) GetEnvListFlag() bool { return c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesListFlag } // Setter for env list flag func (c *Config) SetEnvListFlag(value bool) { c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesListFlag = value } // Getter for env filter flag func (c *Config) GetEnvFilterFlag() bool { return c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesFilterFlag } // Setter for env filter flag func (c *Config) SetEnvFilterFlag(value bool) { c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesFilterFlag = value } // Getter for env filter func (c *Config) GetEnvFilter() string { return c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesFilter } // Setter for env filter func (c *Config) SetEnvFilterInfo(value string) { c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesFilter = value } // Getter for env yml file flag func (c *Config) GetEnvYmlFileFlag() bool { return c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesYmlFlag } // Setter for env yml file flag func (c *Config) SetEnvYmlFileFlag(value bool) { c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesYmlFlag = value } // Getter for env category flag func (c *Config) GetEnvCategoryFlag() bool { return c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesCategoryFlag } // Setter for env category flag func (c *Config) SetEnvCategoryFlag(value bool) { c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesCategoryFlag = value } // Getter for env category Info func (c *Config) GetEnvCategoryInfo() string { return c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesCategory } // Setter for env category Info func (c *Config) SetEnvCategoryInfo(value string) { c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesCategory = value } // Getter for env Set flag func (c *Config) GetEnvSetFlag() bool { return c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesSetFlag } // Setter for env Set flag func (c *Config) SetEnvSetFlag(value bool) { c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesSetFlag = value } // Getter for env Show All flag func (c *Config) GetEnvShowAllFlag() bool { return c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesShowAllFlag } // Setter for env Show All flag func (c *Config) SetEnvShowAllFlag(value bool) { c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesShowAllFlag = value } // Getter for env Key func (c *Config) GetEnvKey() string { return c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesKey } // Setter for env Key func (c *Config) SetEnvKey(value string) { c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesKey = value } // Getter for env Value func (c *Config) GetEnvValue() string { return c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesValue } // Setter for env Value func (c *Config) SetEnvValue(value string) { c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesValue = value } // Getter for env Delete flag func (c *Config) GetEnvDeleteFlag() bool { return c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesDeleteFlag } // Setter for env Delete flag func (c *Config) SetEnvDeleteFlag(value bool) { c.EnvCmd.EnvVariablesDeleteFlag = value } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // initialize basic configuration // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // func (c *Config) Init() { // autor var author string = "Bruno Charest" // Cfg.SetAuthor(author) c.SetAuthor(author) // set modification date to current date var modifDate string = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02") c.SetModifDate(modifDate) // set config file name var configFileYmlName string = utils.GetProgramDir() + "/config.yml" c.SetConfigFileYmlName(configFileYmlName) // set Github token from environment variable var githubTokenEnv string = utils.GetGitTokenFromOsEnv() c.SetGithubTokenEnv(githubTokenEnv) // set Gitea token from environment variable var giteaTokenEnv string = utils.GetGitTeaTokenFromOsEnv() c.SetGitTeaTokenEnv(giteaTokenEnv) // set verbose flag c.SetVerboseFlag(false) // set json flag c.SetJsonFlag(false) // set version flag c.SetVersionFlag(false) // set help flag c.SetHelpFlag(false) // set delete flag c.SetEnvDeleteFlag(false) // set url base var urlBase string = "" c.SetUrlBase(urlBase) // set url api base var urlApiBase string = urlBase + "/api/v1" c.SetUrlApiBase(urlApiBase) // set url api orgs var urlApiOrgs string = urlApiBase + "/orgs" c.SetUrlApiOrgs(urlApiOrgs) //set application name var appName string = "Kode-Creator" c.SetApplicationName(appName) } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // initialize configuration for commands and flags // for root command // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // func (c *Config) InitCmdRoot(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { // Check if the version flag is set if cmd.Flags().Changed("version") || cmd.Flags().Changed("V") { c.SetVersionFlag(true) } // Check if the verbose flag is set if cmd.Flags().Changed("verbose") || cmd.Flags().Changed("v") { c.SetVerboseFlag(true) } else { c.SetVerboseFlag(false) } // Check if the json flag is set if cmd.Flags().Changed("json") || cmd.Flags().Changed("j") { c.SetJsonFlag(true) } else { c.SetJsonFlag(false) } // check if the help flag is set if cmd.Flags().Changed("help") || cmd.Flags().Changed("h") { c.SetHelpFlag(true) } } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // initialize configuration command and flags // for list command // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // func (c *Config) InitCmdList(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if cmd.Flags().Changed("org") || cmd.Flags().Changed("o") { if cmd.Name() == "list" { c.SetListOrganization(cmd.Flag("org").Value.String()) c.SetListOrganizationFlag(true) } else { c.SetListOrganization(cmd.Flag("org").Value.String()) } } if cmd.Flags().Changed("user") || cmd.Flags().Changed("u") { c.SetListUser(cmd.Flag("user").Value.String()) c.SetListUserFlag(true) } if cmd.Flags().Changed("git") || cmd.Flags().Changed("g") { c.SetGitFlag(true) } if cmd.Flags().Changed("tea") || cmd.Flags().Changed("a") { c.SetTeaFlag(true) } if cmd.Flags().Changed("search") || cmd.Flags().Changed("s") { c.SetGitHubSearchFlag(true) c.SetGitHubSearch(cmd.Flag("search").Value.String()) } } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // initialize configuration for commands and flags // for create command // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // func (c *Config) InitCmdCreate(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { // initialize configuration for root command // c.InitCmdRoot(cmd, args) // validate flag on create command if cmd.Name() == "create" { // set name flag if set if cmd.Flags().Changed("name") || cmd.Flags().Changed("n") { c.SetCreateName(cmd.Flag("name").Value.String()) } // set description flag if set if cmd.Flags().Changed("description") || cmd.Flags().Changed("d") { c.SetCreateDescription(cmd.Flag("description").Value.String()) } // set Directory flag if set for create directories structure if cmd.Flags().Changed("struc") || cmd.Flags().Changed("s") { c.SetCreateDirectoryFlag(true) // set version flag if set for adding verion control if cmd.Flags().Changed("version") || cmd.Flags().Changed("v") { c.SetCreateVersionFlag(true) } // set Readme flag if set for adding readme file if cmd.Flags().Changed("readme") || cmd.Flags().Changed("r") { c.SetCreateReadmeFlag(true) } } // if Git flag or Tea flag is set if cmd.Flags().Changed("git") || cmd.Flags().Changed("g") || cmd.Flags().Changed("tea") || cmd.Flags().Changed("t") { // set private flag if set if cmd.Flags().Changed("private") || cmd.Flags().Changed("p") { c.SetCreatePrivateFlag(true) } // set organization flag if set if cmd.Flags().Changed("org") || cmd.Flags().Changed("o") { c.SetCreateOrgenization(cmd.Flag("org").Value.String()) c.SetCreateOrgenizationFlag(true) } // set Git flag if set for creating git repository if cmd.Flags().Changed("git") || cmd.Flags().Changed("g") { c.SetCreateGitFlag(true) } else if cmd.Flags().Changed("tea") || cmd.Flags().Changed("t") { c.SetCreateTeaFlag(true) } } } } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // initialize configuration commands and flags // for env command // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // func (c *Config) InitCmdEnv(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { // initialize configuration for root command c.InitCmdRoot(cmd, args) // validate flag on env command if cmd.Name() == "env" { // if flag list is set, set filter flag if cmd.Flags().Changed("list") || cmd.Flags().Changed("l") { c.SetEnvListFlag(true) // // set env variables filter flag if set // if cmd.Flags().Changed("filter") || cmd.Flags().Changed("f") { // c.SetEnvFilterInfo(cmd.Flag("filter").Value.String()) // c.SetEnvFilterFlag(true) // } } // set env variables filter flag if set if cmd.Flags().Changed("filter") || cmd.Flags().Changed("f") { c.SetEnvFilterInfo(cmd.Flag("filter").Value.String()) c.SetEnvFilterFlag(true) } if cmd.Flags().Changed("yml") || cmd.Flags().Changed("y") { c.SetEnvYmlFileFlag(true) } if cmd.Flags().Changed("set") || cmd.Flags().Changed("s") { c.SetEnvSetFlag(true) } // set env variables category flag if set if cmd.Flags().Changed("cat") || cmd.Flags().Changed("c") { fmt.Println("cat flag set") c.SetEnvCategoryFlag(true) c.SetEnvCategoryInfo(cmd.Flag("cat").Value.String()) } // set env variables show all flag if set if cmd.Flags().Changed("all") || cmd.Flags().Changed("a") { c.SetEnvShowAllFlag(true) } } } // function that print all configuration if DebugMode is true func (c *Config) DebugPrintConfig(section string) { if c.GetDebugMode() { fmt.Println("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -") fmt.Println("| Section: " + section) fmt.Println("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -") c.printAllConfiguration() } } // function that print string if DebugMode is true func (c *Config) DebugPrintString(str string) { if c.GetDebugMode() { fmt.Println(str) } } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // function to print all configuration // for information and flags // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // func (c *Config) printAllConfiguration() { fmt.Println("General Configuration:") fmt.Println("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GIT_TOKEN- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -") fmt.Println("Config: DebugMode: ", c.GetDebugMode()) fmt.Println("Config: LogLevel: ", c.GetLogLevel()) fmt.Println("config: Author: ", c.GetAuthor()) fmt.Println("config: ModifDate: ", c.GetModifDate()) fmt.Println("config: ConfigFileYmlName: ", c.GetConfigFileYmlName()) fmt.Println("config: GithubTokenEnv: ", c.GetGithubTokenEnv()) fmt.Println("config: GiteaTokenEnv: ", c.GetGitTeaTokenEnv()) fmt.Println("config: VerboseFlag: ", c.GetVerboseFlag()) fmt.Println("config: JsonFlag: ", c.GetJsonFlag()) fmt.Println("config: VersionFlag: ", c.GetVersionFlag()) fmt.Println("config: HelpFlag: ", c.GetHelpFlag()) fmt.Println("config: UrlBase: ", c.GetUrlBase()) fmt.Println("config: UrlApiBase: ", c.GetUrlApiBase()) fmt.Println("config: UrlApiOrgs: ", c.GetUrlApiOrgs()) fmt.Println("List Commands Configuration:") fmt.Println("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -") fmt.Println("config: ListOrganization: ", c.GetListOrganization()) fmt.Println("config: ListOrganizationFlag: ", c.GetListOrganizationFlag()) fmt.Println("Create commands Configuration:") fmt.Println("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -") fmt.Println("config: CreateCmd: ", c.GetCreateCmd()) fmt.Println("config: CreateName: ", c.GetCreateCmd().Name) fmt.Println("config: CreateDescription: ", c.GetCreateDescription()) fmt.Println("config: CreateDirectory: ", c.GetCreateDirectoryFlag()) fmt.Println("config: VersionFlag", c.GetCreateVersionFlag()) fmt.Println("config: ReadMeFlag ", c.GetCreateReadmeFlag()) fmt.Println("config: GitFlag ", c.GetCreateGitFlag()) fmt.Println("config: TeaFlag ", c.GetCreateTeaFlag()) fmt.Println("config: Organization: ", c.GetCreateOrgenization()) fmt.Println("config: OrganizationFlag: ", c.GetCreateOrgenizationFlag()) fmt.Println("config: CreatePrivate: ", c.GetCreatePrivateFlag()) fmt.Println("Environment Variables Configuration:") fmt.Println("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -") fmt.Println("config: EnvCmd: ", c.GetEnvCmd()) fmt.Println("config: EnvVariablesFlag: ", c.GetEnvVariblesFlag()) fmt.Println("config: EnvListFlag: ", c.GetEnvListFlag()) fmt.Println("config: EnvFilterFlag: ", c.GetEnvFilterFlag()) fmt.Println("config: EnvVariablesFilter: ", c.GetEnvFilter()) fmt.Println("config: EnvVariablesYmlFlag: ", c.GetEnvYmlFileFlag()) fmt.Println("config: EnvVariablesCategoryFlag: ", c.GetEnvCategoryFlag()) fmt.Println("config: EnvVariablesCategory: ", c.GetEnvCategoryInfo()) fmt.Println("config: EnvVariablesSetFlag: ", c.GetEnvSetFlag()) fmt.Println("config: EnvVariablesShowAllFlag: ", c.GetEnvShowAllFlag()) fmt.Println("config: EnvVariablesKey: ", c.GetEnvKey()) fmt.Println("config: EnvVariablesValue: ", c.GetEnvValue()) fmt.Println("config: EnvVariablesDeleteFlag: ", c.GetEnvDeleteFlag()) fmt.Println("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -") }