{ "name": "Kitty Terminal", "shortcuts": { "Ctrl+Shift+T": "New tab", "Ctrl+Shift+W": "Close tab", "Ctrl+Shift+H": "Move focus to left tab", "Ctrl+Shift+L": "Move focus to right tab", "Ctrl+Shift+PageUp": "Move to previous tab", "Ctrl+Shift+PageDown": "Move to next tab", "Ctrl+Shift+C": "Copy selected text to clipboard", "Ctrl+Shift+V": "Paste from clipboard", "Ctrl+Shift+N": "New Kitty instance", "Ctrl+Shift+Q": "Quit Kitty", "Ctrl+Shift+R": "Reload configuration file", "Ctrl+Shift+F": "Find", "Ctrl+Shift+G": "Find next", "Ctrl+Shift+J": "Scroll down one line", "Ctrl+Shift+K": "Scroll up one line", "Ctrl+Shift+U": "Scroll up one page", "Ctrl+Shift+D": "Scroll down one page", "Ctrl+Shift+Home": "Scroll to top", "Ctrl+Shift+End": "Scroll to bottom", "Ctrl+Shift+S": "Save session", "Ctrl+Shift+O": "Open saved session", "Ctrl+Shift+X": "Clear scrollback buffer", "Ctrl+Shift+Z": "Toggle zoom", "Ctrl+Shift+I": "Inspect current terminal", "Ctrl+Shift+Tab": "Switch to previous window", "Ctrl+Shift+Num+": "Increase font size", "Ctrl+Shift+Num-": "Decrease font size", "Ctrl+Shift+Num*": "Reset font size", "Ctrl+Shift+Num/": "Toggle ligatures", "Ctrl+Shift+Num0": "Reset all settings to default", "Ctrl+Shift+Num1": "Switch to profile 1", "Ctrl+Shift+Num2": "Switch to profile 2", "Ctrl+Shift+Num3": "Switch to profile 3", "Ctrl+Shift+Num4": "Switch to profile 4", "Ctrl+Shift+Num5": "Switch to profile 5" } }