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2022-08-06 16:51:49 -04:00
* jquery.fancytree.js
* Tree view control with support for lazy loading and much more.
* Copyright (c) 2008-2021, Martin Wendt (
* Released under the MIT license
* @version 2.38.2
* @date 2022-06-30T18:24:06Z
/** Core Fancytree module.
// UMD wrapper for the Fancytree core module
(function (factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(["jquery", "./jquery.fancytree.ui-deps"], factory);
} else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {
// Node/CommonJS
module.exports = factory(require("jquery"));
} else {
// Browser globals
})(function ($) {
"use strict";
// prevent duplicate loading
if ($.ui && $.ui.fancytree) {
$.ui.fancytree.warn("Fancytree: ignored duplicate include");
* Private functions and variables
var i,
FT = null, // initialized below
TEST_IMG = new RegExp(/\.|\//), // strings are considered image urls if they contain '.' or '/'
REX_HTML = /[&<>"'/]/g, // Escape those characters
REX_TOOLTIP = /[<>"'/]/g, // Don't escape `&` in tooltips
RECURSIVE_REQUEST_ERROR = "$recursive_request",
INVALID_REQUEST_TARGET_ERROR = "$request_target_invalid",
"&": "&amp;",
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;",
'"': "&quot;",
"'": "&#39;",
"/": "&#x2F;",
IGNORE_KEYCODES = { 16: true, 17: true, 18: true },
8: "backspace",
9: "tab",
10: "return",
13: "return",
// 16: null, 17: null, 18: null, // ignore shift, ctrl, alt
19: "pause",
20: "capslock",
27: "esc",
32: "space",
33: "pageup",
34: "pagedown",
35: "end",
36: "home",
37: "left",
38: "up",
39: "right",
40: "down",
45: "insert",
46: "del",
59: ";",
61: "=",
// 91: null, 93: null, // ignore left and right meta
96: "0",
97: "1",
98: "2",
99: "3",
100: "4",
101: "5",
102: "6",
103: "7",
104: "8",
105: "9",
106: "*",
107: "+",
109: "-",
110: ".",
111: "/",
112: "f1",
113: "f2",
114: "f3",
115: "f4",
116: "f5",
117: "f6",
118: "f7",
119: "f8",
120: "f9",
121: "f10",
122: "f11",
123: "f12",
144: "numlock",
145: "scroll",
173: "-",
186: ";",
187: "=",
188: ",",
189: "-",
190: ".",
191: "/",
192: "`",
219: "[",
220: "\\",
221: "]",
222: "'",
16: "shift",
17: "ctrl",
18: "alt",
91: "meta",
93: "meta",
MOUSE_BUTTONS = { 0: "", 1: "left", 2: "middle", 3: "right" },
// Boolean attributes that can be set with equivalent class names in the LI tags
// Note: v2.23: checkbox and hideCheckbox are *not* in this list
"active expanded focus folder lazy radiogroup selected unselectable unselectableIgnore".split(
" "
// Top-level Fancytree attributes, that can be set by dict
TREE_ATTRS = "columns types".split(" "),
// TREE_ATTR_MAP = {},
// Top-level FancytreeNode attributes, that can be set by dict
"checkbox expanded extraClasses folder icon iconTooltip key lazy partsel radiogroup refKey selected statusNodeType title tooltip type unselectable unselectableIgnore unselectableStatus".split(
" "
// Mapping of lowercase -> real name (because HTML5 data-... attribute only supports lowercase)
// Attribute names that should NOT be added to
active: true,
children: true,
data: true,
focus: true,
for (i = 0; i < CLASS_ATTRS.length; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < NODE_ATTRS.length; i++) {
attr = NODE_ATTRS[i];
NODE_ATTR_MAP[attr] = true;
if (attr !== attr.toLowerCase()) {
NODE_ATTR_LOWERCASE_MAP[attr.toLowerCase()] = attr;
// for(i=0; i<TREE_ATTRS.length; i++) {
// }
function _assert(cond, msg) {
// TODO: see qunit.js extractStacktrace()
if (!cond) {
msg = msg ? ": " + msg : "";
msg = "Fancytree assertion failed" + msg;
// consoleApply("assert", [!!cond, msg]);
// #1041: Raised exceptions may not be visible in the browser
// console if inside promise chains, so we also print directly:
// Throw exception:
function _hasProp(object, property) {
return, property);
/* Replacement for the deprecated `jQuery.isFunction()`. */
function _isFunction(obj) {
return typeof obj === "function";
/* Replacement for the deprecated `jQuery.trim()`. */
function _trim(text) {
return text == null ? "" : text.trim();
/* Replacement for the deprecated `jQuery.isArray()`. */
var _isArray = Array.isArray;
_assert($.ui, "Fancytree requires jQuery UI (");
function consoleApply(method, args) {
var i,
fn = window.console ? window.console[method] : null;
if (fn) {
try {
fn.apply(window.console, args);
} catch (e) {
// IE 8?
s = "";
for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
s += args[i];
/* support: IE8 Polyfil for */
if (! { = function now() {
return new Date().getTime();
/*Return true if x is a FancytreeNode.*/
function _isNode(x) {
return !!(x.tree && x.statusNodeType !== undefined);
/** Return true if dotted version string is equal or higher than requested version.
* See
function isVersionAtLeast(dottedVersion, major, minor, patch) {
var i,
verParts = $.map(_trim(dottedVersion).split("."), function (e) {
return parseInt(e, 10);
testParts = $.map(, 1),
function (e) {
return parseInt(e, 10);
for (i = 0; i < testParts.length; i++) {
v = verParts[i] || 0;
t = testParts[i] || 0;
if (v !== t) {
return v > t;
return true;
* Deep-merge a list of objects (but replace array-type options).
* jQuery's $.extend(true, ...) method does a deep merge, that also merges Arrays.
* This variant is used to merge extension defaults with user options, and should
* merge objects, but override arrays (for example the `triggerStart: [...]` option
* of ext-edit). Also `null` values are copied over and not skipped.
* See issue #876
* Example:
* _simpleDeepMerge({}, o1, o2);
function _simpleDeepMerge() {
var options,
target = arguments[0] || {},
i = 1,
length = arguments.length;
// Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
if (typeof target !== "object" && !_isFunction(target)) {
target = {};
if (i === length) {
throw Error("need at least two args");
for (; i < length; i++) {
// Only deal with non-null/undefined values
if ((options = arguments[i]) != null) {
// Extend the base object
for (name in options) {
if (_hasProp(options, name)) {
src = target[name];
copy = options[name];
// Prevent never-ending loop
if (target === copy) {
// Recurse if we're merging plain objects
// (NOTE: unlike $.extend, we don't merge arrays, but replace them)
if (copy && $.isPlainObject(copy)) {
clone = src && $.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};
// Never move original objects, clone them
target[name] = _simpleDeepMerge(clone, copy);
// Don't bring in undefined values
} else if (copy !== undefined) {
target[name] = copy;
// Return the modified object
return target;
/** Return a wrapper that calls sub.methodName() and exposes
* this : tree
* this._local : tree.ext.EXTNAME
* this._super :
* this._superApply : base.methodName.apply()
function _makeVirtualFunction(methodName, tree, base, extension, extName) {
// $.ui.fancytree.debug("_makeVirtualFunction", methodName, tree, base, extension, extName);
// if(rexTestSuper && !rexTestSuper.test(func)){
// // extension.methodName() doesn't call _super(), so no wrapper required
// return func;
// }
// Use an immediate function as closure
var proxy = (function () {
var prevFunc = tree[methodName], // org. tree method or prev. proxy
baseFunc = extension[methodName], //
_local = tree.ext[extName],
_super = function () {
return prevFunc.apply(tree, arguments);
_superApply = function (args) {
return prevFunc.apply(tree, args);
// Return the wrapper function
return function () {
var prevLocal = tree._local,
prevSuper = tree._super,
prevSuperApply = tree._superApply;
try {
tree._local = _local;
tree._super = _super;
tree._superApply = _superApply;
return baseFunc.apply(tree, arguments);
} finally {
tree._local = prevLocal;
tree._super = prevSuper;
tree._superApply = prevSuperApply;
})(); // end of Immediate Function
return proxy;
* Subclass `base` by creating proxy functions
function _subclassObject(tree, base, extension, extName) {
// $.ui.fancytree.debug("_subclassObject", tree, base, extension, extName);
for (var attrName in extension) {
if (typeof extension[attrName] === "function") {
if (typeof tree[attrName] === "function") {
// override existing method
tree[attrName] = _makeVirtualFunction(
} else if (attrName.charAt(0) === "_") {
// Create private methods in tree.ext.EXTENSION namespace
tree.ext[extName][attrName] = _makeVirtualFunction(
} else {
"Could not override tree." +
attrName +
". Use prefix '_' to create tree." +
extName +
"._" +
} else {
// Create member variables in tree.ext.EXTENSION namespace
if (attrName !== "options") {
tree.ext[extName][attrName] = extension[attrName];
function _getResolvedPromise(context, argArray) {
if (context === undefined) {
return $.Deferred(function () {
return $.Deferred(function () {
this.resolveWith(context, argArray);
function _getRejectedPromise(context, argArray) {
if (context === undefined) {
return $.Deferred(function () {
return $.Deferred(function () {
this.rejectWith(context, argArray);
function _makeResolveFunc(deferred, context) {
return function () {
function _getElementDataAsDict($el) {
// Evaluate 'data-NAME' attributes with special treatment for 'data-json'.
var d = $.extend({}, $,
json = d.json;
delete d.fancytree; // added to container by widget factory (old jQuery UI)
delete d.uiFancytree; // added to container by widget factory
if (json) {
delete d.json;
// <li data-json='...'> is already returned as object (
d = $.extend(d, json);
return d;
function _escapeTooltip(s) {
return ("" + s).replace(REX_TOOLTIP, function (s) {
return ENTITY_MAP[s];
// TODO: use currying
function _makeNodeTitleMatcher(s) {
s = s.toLowerCase();
return function (node) {
return node.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(s) >= 0;
function _makeNodeTitleStartMatcher(s) {
var reMatch = new RegExp("^" + s, "i");
return function (node) {
return reMatch.test(node.title);
* FancytreeNode
* Creates a new FancytreeNode
* @class FancytreeNode
* @classdesc A FancytreeNode represents the hierarchical data model and operations.
* @param {FancytreeNode} parent
* @param {NodeData} obj
* @property {Fancytree} tree The tree instance
* @property {FancytreeNode} parent The parent node
* @property {string} key Node id (must be unique inside the tree)
* @property {string} title Display name (may contain HTML)
* @property {object} data Contains all extra data that was passed on node creation
* @property {FancytreeNode[] | null | undefined} children Array of child nodes.<br>
* For lazy nodes, null or undefined means 'not yet loaded'. Use an empty array
* to define a node that has no children.
* @property {boolean} expanded Use isExpanded(), setExpanded() to access this property.
* @property {string} extraClasses Additional CSS classes, added to the node's `<span>`.<br>
* Note: use `node.add/remove/toggleClass()` to modify.
* @property {boolean} folder Folder nodes have different default icons and click behavior.<br>
* Note: Also non-folders may have children.
* @property {string} statusNodeType null for standard nodes. Otherwise type of special system node: 'error', 'loading', 'nodata', or 'paging'.
* @property {boolean} lazy True if this node is loaded on demand, i.e. on first expansion.
* @property {boolean} selected Use isSelected(), setSelected() to access this property.
* @property {string} tooltip Alternative description used as hover popup
* @property {string} iconTooltip Description used as hover popup for icon. @since 2.27
* @property {string} type Node type, used with tree.types map. @since 2.27
function FancytreeNode(parent, obj) {
var i, l, name, cl;
this.parent = parent;
this.tree = parent.tree;
this.ul = null; = null; // <li id='key' ftnode=this> tag
this.statusNodeType = null; // if this is a temp. node to display the status of its parent
this._isLoading = false; // if this node itself is loading
this._error = null; // {message: '...'} if a load error occurred = {};
// TODO: merge this code with node.toDict()
// copy attributes from obj object
for (i = 0, l = NODE_ATTRS.length; i < l; i++) {
name = NODE_ATTRS[i];
this[name] = obj[name];
// unselectableIgnore and unselectableStatus imply unselectable
if (
this.unselectableIgnore != null ||
this.unselectableStatus != null
) {
this.unselectable = true;
if (obj.hideCheckbox) {
"'hideCheckbox' node option was removed in v2.23.0: use 'checkbox: false'"
// +=
if ( {
// Copy all other attributes to
for (name in obj) {
if (
!NODE_ATTR_MAP[name] &&
(this.tree.options.copyFunctionsToData ||
!_isFunction(obj[name])) &&
) {
// = obj.NAME[name] = obj[name];
// Fix missing key
if (this.key == null) {
// test for null OR undefined
if (this.tree.options.defaultKey) {
this.key = "" + this.tree.options.defaultKey(this);
_assert(this.key, "defaultKey() must return a unique key");
} else {
this.key = "_" + FT._nextNodeKey++;
} else {
this.key = "" + this.key; // Convert to string (#217)
// Fix tree.activeNode
// TODO: not elegant: we use as marker to set tree.activeNode
// when loading from a dictionary.
if ( {
this.tree.activeNode === null,
"only one active node allowed"
this.tree.activeNode = this;
if (obj.selected) {
// #186
this.tree.lastSelectedNode = this;
// TODO: handle obj.focus = true
// Create child nodes
cl = obj.children;
if (cl) {
if (cl.length) {
} else {
// if an empty array was passed for a lazy node, keep it, in order to mark it 'loaded'
this.children = this.lazy ? [] : null;
} else {
this.children = null;
// Add to key/ref map (except for root node)
// if( parent ) {
this.tree._callHook("treeRegisterNode", this.tree, true, this);
// }
FancytreeNode.prototype = /** @lends FancytreeNode# */ {
/* Return the direct child FancytreeNode with a given key, index. */
_findDirectChild: function (ptr) {
var i,
cl = this.children;
if (cl) {
if (typeof ptr === "string") {
for (i = 0, l = cl.length; i < l; i++) {
if (cl[i].key === ptr) {
return cl[i];
} else if (typeof ptr === "number") {
return this.children[ptr];
} else if (ptr.parent === this) {
return ptr;
return null;
// TODO: activate()
// TODO: activateSilently()
/* Internal helper called in recursive addChildren sequence.*/
_setChildren: function (children) {
children && (!this.children || this.children.length === 0),
"only init supported"
this.children = [];
for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
this.children.push(new FancytreeNode(this, children[i]));
* Append (or insert) a list of child nodes.
* @param {NodeData[]} children array of child node definitions (also single child accepted)
* @param {FancytreeNode | string | Integer} [insertBefore] child node (or key or index of such).
* If omitted, the new children are appended.
* @returns {FancytreeNode} first child added
* @see FancytreeNode#applyPatch
addChildren: function (children, insertBefore) {
var i,
origFirstChild = this.getFirstChild(),
origLastChild = this.getLastChild(),
firstNode = null,
nodeList = [];
if ($.isPlainObject(children)) {
children = [children];
if (!this.children) {
this.children = [];
for (i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
nodeList.push(new FancytreeNode(this, children[i]));
firstNode = nodeList[0];
if (insertBefore == null) {
this.children = this.children.concat(nodeList);
} else {
// Returns null if insertBefore is not a direct child:
insertBefore = this._findDirectChild(insertBefore);
pos = $.inArray(insertBefore, this.children);
_assert(pos >= 0, "insertBefore must be an existing child");
// insert nodeList after children[pos]
[pos, 0].concat(nodeList)
if (origFirstChild && !insertBefore) {
// #708: Fast path -- don't render every child of root, just the new ones!
// #723, #729: but only if it's appended to an existing child list
for (i = 0, l = nodeList.length; i < l; i++) {
nodeList[i].render(); // New nodes were never rendered before
// Adjust classes where status may have changed
// Has a first child
if (origFirstChild !== this.getFirstChild()) {
// Different first child -- recompute classes
if (origLastChild !== this.getLastChild()) {
// Different last child -- recompute classes
} else if (!this.parent || this.parent.ul || {
// render if the parent was rendered (or this is a root node)
if (this.tree.options.selectMode === 3) {
nodeList.length === 1 ? nodeList[0] : null
return firstNode;
* Add class to node's span tag and to .extraClasses.
* @param {string} className class name
* @since 2.17
addClass: function (className) {
return this.toggleClass(className, true);
* Append or prepend a node, or append a child node.
* This a convenience function that calls addChildren()
* @param {NodeData} node node definition
* @param {string} [mode=child] 'before', 'after', 'firstChild', or 'child' ('over' is a synonym for 'child')
* @returns {FancytreeNode} new node
addNode: function (node, mode) {
if (mode === undefined || mode === "over") {
mode = "child";
switch (mode) {
case "after":
return this.getParent().addChildren(
case "before":
return this.getParent().addChildren(node, this);
case "firstChild":
// Insert before the first child if any
var insertBefore = this.children ? this.children[0] : null;
return this.addChildren(node, insertBefore);
case "child":
case "over":
return this.addChildren(node);
_assert(false, "Invalid mode: " + mode);
/**Add child status nodes that indicate 'More...', etc.
* This also maintains the node's `partload` property.
* @param {boolean|object} node optional node definition. Pass `false` to remove all paging nodes.
* @param {string} [mode='child'] 'child'|firstChild'
* @since 2.15
addPagingNode: function (node, mode) {
var i, n;
mode = mode || "child";
if (node === false) {
for (i = this.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
n = this.children[i];
if (n.statusNodeType === "paging") {
this.partload = false;
node = $.extend(
title: this.tree.options.strings.moreData,
statusNodeType: "paging",
icon: false,
this.partload = true;
return this.addNode(node, mode);
* Append new node after this.
* This a convenience function that calls addNode(node, 'after')
* @param {NodeData} node node definition
* @returns {FancytreeNode} new node
appendSibling: function (node) {
return this.addNode(node, "after");
* (experimental) Apply a modification (or navigation) operation.
* @param {string} cmd
* @param {object} [opts]
* @see Fancytree#applyCommand
* @since 2.32
applyCommand: function (cmd, opts) {
return this.tree.applyCommand(cmd, this, opts);
* Modify existing child nodes.
* @param {NodePatch} patch
* @returns {$.Promise}
* @see FancytreeNode#addChildren
applyPatch: function (patch) {
// patch [key, null] means 'remove'
if (patch === null) {
return _getResolvedPromise(this);
// TODO: make sure that root node is not collapsed or modified
// copy (most) attributes to node.ATTR or
var name,
IGNORE_MAP = { children: true, expanded: true, parent: true }; // TODO: should be global
for (name in patch) {
if (_hasProp(patch, name)) {
v = patch[name];
if (!IGNORE_MAP[name] && !_isFunction(v)) {
if (NODE_ATTR_MAP[name]) {
this[name] = v;
} else {[name] = v;
// Remove and/or create children
if (_hasProp(patch, "children")) {
if (patch.children) {
// only if not null and not empty list
// TODO: addChildren instead?
// TODO: how can we APPEND or INSERT child nodes?
if (this.isVisible()) {
// Expand collapse (final step, since this may be async)
if (_hasProp(patch, "expanded")) {
promise = this.setExpanded(patch.expanded);
} else {
promise = _getResolvedPromise(this);
return promise;
/** Collapse all sibling nodes.
* @returns {$.Promise}
collapseSiblings: function () {
return this.tree._callHook("nodeCollapseSiblings", this);
/** Copy this node as sibling or child of `node`.
* @param {FancytreeNode} node source node
* @param {string} [mode=child] 'before' | 'after' | 'child'
* @param {Function} [map] callback function(NodeData, FancytreeNode) that could modify the new node
* @returns {FancytreeNode} new
copyTo: function (node, mode, map) {
return node.addNode(this.toDict(true, map), mode);
/** Count direct and indirect children.
* @param {boolean} [deep=true] pass 'false' to only count direct children
* @returns {int} number of child nodes
countChildren: function (deep) {
var cl = this.children,
if (!cl) {
return 0;
n = cl.length;
if (deep !== false) {
for (i = 0, l = n; i < l; i++) {
n += cl[i].countChildren();
return n;
// TODO: deactivate()
/** Write to browser console if debugLevel >= 4 (prepending node info)
* @param {*} msg string or object or array of such
debug: function (msg) {
if (this.tree.options.debugLevel >= 4) {, this.toString());
consoleApply("log", arguments);
/** Deprecated.
* @deprecated since 2014-02-16. Use resetLazy() instead.
discard: function () {
"FancytreeNode.discard() is deprecated since 2014-02-16. Use .resetLazy() instead."
return this.resetLazy();
/** Remove DOM elements for all descendents. May be called on .collapse event
* to keep the DOM small.
* @param {boolean} [includeSelf=false]
discardMarkup: function (includeSelf) {
var fn = includeSelf ? "nodeRemoveMarkup" : "nodeRemoveChildMarkup";
this.tree._callHook(fn, this);
/** Write error to browser console if debugLevel >= 1 (prepending tree info)
* @param {*} msg string or object or array of such
error: function (msg) {
if (this.tree.options.debugLevel >= 1) {, this.toString());
consoleApply("error", arguments);
/**Find all nodes that match condition (excluding self).
* @param {string | function(node)} match title string to search for, or a
* callback function that returns `true` if a node is matched.
* @returns {FancytreeNode[]} array of nodes (may be empty)
findAll: function (match) {
match = _isFunction(match) ? match : _makeNodeTitleMatcher(match);
var res = [];
this.visit(function (n) {
if (match(n)) {
return res;
/**Find first node that matches condition (excluding self).
* @param {string | function(node)} match title string to search for, or a
* callback function that returns `true` if a node is matched.
* @returns {FancytreeNode} matching node or null
* @see FancytreeNode#findAll
findFirst: function (match) {
match = _isFunction(match) ? match : _makeNodeTitleMatcher(match);
var res = null;
this.visit(function (n) {
if (match(n)) {
res = n;
return false;
return res;
/** Find a node relative to self.
* @param {number|string} where The keyCode that would normally trigger this move,
* or a keyword ('down', 'first', 'last', 'left', 'parent', 'right', 'up').
* @returns {FancytreeNode}
* @since v2.31
findRelatedNode: function (where, includeHidden) {
return this.tree.findRelatedNode(this, where, includeHidden);
/* Apply selection state (internal use only) */
_changeSelectStatusAttrs: function (state) {
var changed = false,
opts = this.tree.options,
unselectable = FT.evalOption(
unselectableStatus = FT.evalOption(
if (unselectable && unselectableStatus != null) {
state = unselectableStatus;
switch (state) {
case false:
changed = this.selected || this.partsel;
this.selected = false;
this.partsel = false;
case true:
changed = !this.selected || !this.partsel;
this.selected = true;
this.partsel = true;
case undefined:
changed = this.selected || !this.partsel;
this.selected = false;
this.partsel = true;
_assert(false, "invalid state: " + state);
// this.debug("fixSelection3AfterLoad() _changeSelectStatusAttrs()", state, changed);
if (changed) {
return changed;
* Fix selection status, after this node was (de)selected in multi-hier mode.
* This includes (de)selecting all children.
fixSelection3AfterClick: function (callOpts) {
var flag = this.isSelected();
// this.debug("fixSelection3AfterClick()");
this.visit(function (node) {
if (node.radiogroup) {
// #931: don't (de)select this branch
return "skip";
* Fix selection status for multi-hier mode.
* Only end-nodes are considered to update the descendants branch and parents.
* Should be called after this node has loaded new children or after
* children have been modified using the API.
fixSelection3FromEndNodes: function (callOpts) {
var opts = this.tree.options;
// this.debug("fixSelection3FromEndNodes()");
_assert(opts.selectMode === 3, "expected selectMode 3");
// Visit all end nodes and adjust their parent's `selected` and `partsel`
// attributes. Return selection state true, false, or undefined.
function _walk(node) {
var i,
children = node.children;
if (children && children.length) {
// check all children recursively
allSelected = true;
someSelected = false;
for (i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
child = children[i];
// the selection state of a node is not relevant; we need the end-nodes
s = _walk(child);
// if( !child.unselectableIgnore ) {
unselIgnore = FT.evalOption(
if (!unselIgnore) {
if (s !== false) {
someSelected = true;
if (s !== true) {
allSelected = false;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
state = allSelected
? true
: someSelected
? undefined
: false;
} else {
// This is an end-node: simply report the status
unselState = FT.evalOption(
state = unselState == null ? !!node.selected : !!unselState;
// #939: Keep a `partsel` flag that was explicitly set on a lazy node
if (
node.partsel &&
!node.selected &&
node.lazy &&
node.children == null
) {
state = undefined;
return state;
// Update parent's state
this.visitParents(function (node) {
var i,
children = node.children,
allSelected = true,
someSelected = false;
for (i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
child = children[i];
unselIgnore = FT.evalOption(
if (!unselIgnore) {
unselState = FT.evalOption(
state =
unselState == null
? !!child.selected
: !!unselState;
// When fixing the parents, we trust the sibling status (i.e.
// we don't recurse)
if (state || child.partsel) {
someSelected = true;
if (!state) {
allSelected = false;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
state = allSelected ? true : someSelected ? undefined : false;
// TODO: focus()
* Update node data. If dict contains 'children', then also replace
* the hole sub tree.
* @param {NodeData} dict
* @see FancytreeNode#addChildren
* @see FancytreeNode#applyPatch
fromDict: function (dict) {
// copy all other attributes to
for (var name in dict) {
if (NODE_ATTR_MAP[name]) {
// node.NAME = dict.NAME
this[name] = dict[name];
} else if (name === "data") {
// +=
} else if (
!_isFunction(dict[name]) &&
) {
// = dict.NAME[name] = dict[name];
if (dict.children) {
// recursively set children and render
var children = dict.children;
if(children === undefined){ = $.extend(, dict);
dict = $.extend({}, dict);
dict.children = undefined; = $.extend(, dict);
/** Return the list of child nodes (undefined for unexpanded lazy nodes).
* @returns {FancytreeNode[] | undefined}
getChildren: function () {
if (this.hasChildren() === undefined) {
// TODO: only required for lazy nodes?
return undefined; // Lazy node: unloaded, currently loading, or load error
return this.children;
/** Return the first child node or null.
* @returns {FancytreeNode | null}
getFirstChild: function () {
return this.children ? this.children[0] : null;
/** Return the 0-based child index.
* @returns {int}
getIndex: function () {
// return this.parent.children.indexOf(this);
return $.inArray(this, this.parent.children); // indexOf doesn't work in IE7
/** Return the hierarchical child index (1-based, e.g. '3.2.4').
* @param {string} [separator="."]
* @param {int} [digits=1]
* @returns {string}
getIndexHier: function (separator, digits) {
separator = separator || ".";
var s,
res = [];
$.each(this.getParentList(false, true), function (i, o) {
s = "" + (o.getIndex() + 1);
if (digits) {
// prepend leading zeroes
s = ("0000000" + s).substr(-digits);
return res.join(separator);
/** Return the parent keys separated by options.keyPathSeparator, e.g. "/id_1/id_17/id_32".
* (Unlike `node.getPath()`, this method prepends a "/" and inverts the first argument.)
* @see FancytreeNode#getPath
* @param {boolean} [excludeSelf=false]
* @returns {string}
getKeyPath: function (excludeSelf) {
var sep = this.tree.options.keyPathSeparator;
return sep + this.getPath(!excludeSelf, "key", sep);
/** Return the last child of this node or null.
* @returns {FancytreeNode | null}
getLastChild: function () {
return this.children
? this.children[this.children.length - 1]
: null;
/** Return node depth. 0: System root node, 1: visible top-level node, 2: first sub-level, ... .
* @returns {int}
getLevel: function () {
var level = 0,
dtn = this.parent;
while (dtn) {
dtn = dtn.parent;
return level;
/** Return the successor node (under the same parent) or null.
* @returns {FancytreeNode | null}
getNextSibling: function () {
// TODO: use indexOf, if available: (not in IE6)
if (this.parent) {
var i,
ac = this.parent.children;
for (i = 0, l = ac.length - 1; i < l; i++) {
// up to length-2, so next(last) = null
if (ac[i] === this) {
return ac[i + 1];
return null;
/** Return the parent node (null for the system root node).
* @returns {FancytreeNode | null}
getParent: function () {
// TODO: return null for top-level nodes?
return this.parent;
/** Return an array of all parent nodes (top-down).
* @param {boolean} [includeRoot=false] Include the invisible system root node.
* @param {boolean} [includeSelf=false] Include the node itself.
* @returns {FancytreeNode[]}
getParentList: function (includeRoot, includeSelf) {
var l = [],
dtn = includeSelf ? this : this.parent;
while (dtn) {
if (includeRoot || dtn.parent) {
dtn = dtn.parent;
return l;
/** Return a string representing the hierachical node path, e.g. "a/b/c".
* @param {boolean} [includeSelf=true]
* @param {string | function} [part="title"] node property name or callback
* @param {string} [separator="/"]
* @returns {string}
* @since v2.31
getPath: function (includeSelf, part, separator) {
includeSelf = includeSelf !== false;
part = part || "title";
separator = separator || "/";
var val,
path = [],
isFunc = _isFunction(part);
this.visitParents(function (n) {
if (n.parent) {
val = isFunc ? part(n) : n[part];
}, includeSelf);
return path.join(separator);
/** Return the predecessor node (under the same parent) or null.
* @returns {FancytreeNode | null}
getPrevSibling: function () {
if (this.parent) {
var i,
ac = this.parent.children;
for (i = 1, l = ac.length; i < l; i++) {
// start with 1, so prev(first) = null
if (ac[i] === this) {
return ac[i - 1];
return null;
* Return an array of selected descendant nodes.
* @param {boolean} [stopOnParents=false] only return the topmost selected
* node (useful with selectMode 3)
* @returns {FancytreeNode[]}
getSelectedNodes: function (stopOnParents) {
var nodeList = [];
this.visit(function (node) {
if (node.selected) {
if (stopOnParents === true) {
return "skip"; // stop processing this branch
return nodeList;
/** Return true if node has children. Return undefined if not sure, i.e. the node is lazy and not yet loaded).
* @returns {boolean | undefined}
hasChildren: function () {
if (this.lazy) {
if (this.children == null) {
// null or undefined: Not yet loaded
return undefined;
} else if (this.children.length === 0) {
// Loaded, but response was empty
return false;
} else if (
this.children.length === 1 &&
) {
// Currently loading or load error
return undefined;
return true;
return !!(this.children && this.children.length);
* Return true if node has `className` defined in .extraClasses.
* @param {string} className class name (separate multiple classes by space)
* @returns {boolean}
* @since 2.32
hasClass: function (className) {
return (
(" " + (this.extraClasses || "") + " ").indexOf(
" " + className + " "
) >= 0
/** Return true if node has keyboard focus.
* @returns {boolean}
hasFocus: function () {
return this.tree.hasFocus() && this.tree.focusNode === this;
/** Write to browser console if debugLevel >= 3 (prepending node info)
* @param {*} msg string or object or array of such
info: function (msg) {
if (this.tree.options.debugLevel >= 3) {, this.toString());
consoleApply("info", arguments);
/** Return true if node is active (see also FancytreeNode#isSelected).
* @returns {boolean}
isActive: function () {
return this.tree.activeNode === this;
/** Return true if node is vertically below `otherNode`, i.e. rendered in a subsequent row.
* @param {FancytreeNode} otherNode
* @returns {boolean}
* @since 2.28
isBelowOf: function (otherNode) {
return this.getIndexHier(".", 5) > otherNode.getIndexHier(".", 5);
/** Return true if node is a direct child of otherNode.
* @param {FancytreeNode} otherNode
* @returns {boolean}
isChildOf: function (otherNode) {
return this.parent && this.parent === otherNode;
/** Return true, if node is a direct or indirect sub node of otherNode.
* @param {FancytreeNode} otherNode
* @returns {boolean}
isDescendantOf: function (otherNode) {
if (!otherNode || otherNode.tree !== this.tree) {
return false;
var p = this.parent;
while (p) {
if (p === otherNode) {
return true;
if (p === p.parent) {
$.error("Recursive parent link: " + p);
p = p.parent;
return false;
/** Return true if node is expanded.
* @returns {boolean}
isExpanded: function () {
return !!this.expanded;
/** Return true if node is the first node of its parent's children.
* @returns {boolean}
isFirstSibling: function () {
var p = this.parent;
return !p || p.children[0] === this;
/** Return true if node is a folder, i.e. has the node.folder attribute set.
* @returns {boolean}
isFolder: function () {
return !!this.folder;
/** Return true if node is the last node of its parent's children.
* @returns {boolean}
isLastSibling: function () {
var p = this.parent;
return !p || p.children[p.children.length - 1] === this;
/** Return true if node is lazy (even if data was already loaded)
* @returns {boolean}
isLazy: function () {
return !!this.lazy;
/** Return true if node is lazy and loaded. For non-lazy nodes always return true.
* @returns {boolean}
isLoaded: function () {
return !this.lazy || this.hasChildren() !== undefined; // Also checks if the only child is a status node
/** Return true if children are currently beeing loaded, i.e. a Ajax request is pending.
* @returns {boolean}
isLoading: function () {
return !!this._isLoading;
* @deprecated since v2.4.0: Use isRootNode() instead
isRoot: function () {
return this.isRootNode();
/** Return true if node is partially selected (tri-state).
* @returns {boolean}
* @since 2.23
isPartsel: function () {
return !this.selected && !!this.partsel;
/** (experimental) Return true if this is partially loaded.
* @returns {boolean}
* @since 2.15
isPartload: function () {
return !!this.partload;
/** Return true if this is the (invisible) system root node.
* @returns {boolean}
* @since 2.4
isRootNode: function () {
return this.tree.rootNode === this;
/** Return true if node is selected, i.e. has a checkmark set (see also FancytreeNode#isActive).
* @returns {boolean}
isSelected: function () {
return !!this.selected;
/** Return true if this node is a temporarily generated system node like
* 'loading', 'paging', or 'error' (node.statusNodeType contains the type).
* @returns {boolean}
isStatusNode: function () {
return !!this.statusNodeType;
/** Return true if this node is a status node of type 'paging'.
* @returns {boolean}
* @since 2.15
isPagingNode: function () {
return this.statusNodeType === "paging";
/** Return true if this a top level node, i.e. a direct child of the (invisible) system root node.
* @returns {boolean}
* @since 2.4
isTopLevel: function () {
return this.tree.rootNode === this.parent;
/** Return true if node is lazy and not yet loaded. For non-lazy nodes always return false.
* @returns {boolean}
isUndefined: function () {
return this.hasChildren() === undefined; // also checks if the only child is a status node
/** Return true if all parent nodes are expanded. Note: this does not check
* whether the node is scrolled into the visible part of the screen.
* @returns {boolean}
isVisible: function () {
var i,
hasFilter = this.tree.enableFilter,
parents = this.getParentList(false, false);
// TODO: check $(n.span).is(":visible")
// i.e. return false for nodes (but not parents) that are hidden
// by a filter
if (hasFilter && !this.match && !this.subMatchCount) {
// this.debug( "isVisible: HIDDEN (" + hasFilter + ", " + this.match + ", " + this.match + ")" );
return false;
for (i = 0, l = parents.length; i < l; i++) {
n = parents[i];
if (!n.expanded) {
// this.debug("isVisible: HIDDEN (parent collapsed)");
return false;
// if (hasFilter && !n.match && !n.subMatchCount) {
// this.debug("isVisible: HIDDEN (" + hasFilter + ", " + this.match + ", " + this.match + ")");
// return false;
// }
// this.debug("isVisible: VISIBLE");
return true;
/** Deprecated.
* @deprecated since 2014-02-16: use load() instead.
lazyLoad: function (discard) {
"FancytreeNode.lazyLoad() is deprecated since 2014-02-16. Use .load() instead."
* Load all children of a lazy node if neccessary. The <i>expanded</i> state is maintained.
* @param {boolean} [forceReload=false] Pass true to discard any existing nodes before. Otherwise this method does nothing if the node was already loaded.
* @returns {$.Promise}
load: function (forceReload) {
var res,
self = this,
wasExpanded = this.isExpanded();
_assert(this.isLazy(), "load() requires a lazy node");
// _assert( forceReload || this.isUndefined(), "Pass forceReload=true to re-load a lazy node" );
if (!forceReload && !this.isUndefined()) {
return _getResolvedPromise(this);
if (this.isLoaded()) {
this.resetLazy(); // also collapses
// This method is also called by setExpanded() and loadKeyPath(), so we
// have to avoid recursion.
source = this.tree._triggerNodeEvent("lazyLoad", this);
if (source === false) {
// #69
return _getResolvedPromise(this);
typeof source !== "boolean",
"lazyLoad event must return source in data.result"
res = this.tree._callHook("nodeLoadChildren", this, source);
if (wasExpanded) {
this.expanded = true;
res.always(function () {
} else {
res.always(function () {
self.renderStatus(); // fix expander icon to 'loaded'
return res;
/** Expand all parents and optionally scroll into visible area as neccessary.
* Promise is resolved, when lazy loading and animations are done.
* @param {object} [opts] passed to `setExpanded()`.
* Defaults to {noAnimation: false, noEvents: false, scrollIntoView: true}
* @returns {$.Promise}
makeVisible: function (opts) {
var i,
self = this,
deferreds = [],
dfd = new $.Deferred(),
parents = this.getParentList(false, false),
len = parents.length,
effects = !(opts && opts.noAnimation === true),
scroll = !(opts && opts.scrollIntoView === false);
// Expand bottom-up, so only the top node is animated
for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// self.debug("pushexpand" + parents[i]);
deferreds.push(parents[i].setExpanded(true, opts));
$.when.apply($, deferreds).done(function () {
// All expands have finished
// self.debug("expand DONE", scroll);
if (scroll) {
self.scrollIntoView(effects).done(function () {
// self.debug("scroll DONE");
} else {
return dfd.promise();
/** Move this node to targetNode.
* @param {FancytreeNode} targetNode
* @param {string} mode <pre>
* 'child': append this node as last child of targetNode.
* This is the default. To be compatble with the D'n'd
* hitMode, we also accept 'over'.
* 'firstChild': add this node as first child of targetNode.
* 'before': add this node as sibling before targetNode.
* 'after': add this node as sibling after targetNode.</pre>
* @param {function} [map] optional callback(FancytreeNode) to allow modifcations
moveTo: function (targetNode, mode, map) {
if (mode === undefined || mode === "over") {
mode = "child";
} else if (mode === "firstChild") {
if (targetNode.children && targetNode.children.length) {
mode = "before";
targetNode = targetNode.children[0];
} else {
mode = "child";
var pos,
tree = this.tree,
prevParent = this.parent,
targetParent =
mode === "child" ? targetNode : targetNode.parent;
if (this === targetNode) {
} else if (!this.parent) {
$.error("Cannot move system root");
} else if (targetParent.isDescendantOf(this)) {
$.error("Cannot move a node to its own descendant");
if (targetParent !== prevParent) {
prevParent.triggerModifyChild("remove", this);
// Unlink this node from current parent
if (this.parent.children.length === 1) {
if (this.parent === targetParent) {
return; // #258
this.parent.children = this.parent.lazy ? [] : null;
this.parent.expanded = false;
} else {
pos = $.inArray(this, this.parent.children);
_assert(pos >= 0, "invalid source parent");
this.parent.children.splice(pos, 1);
// Remove from source DOM parent
// if(this.parent.ul){
// this.parent.ul.removeChild(;
// }
// Insert this node to target parent's child list
this.parent = targetParent;
if (targetParent.hasChildren()) {
switch (mode) {
case "child":
// Append to existing target children
case "before":
// Insert this node before target node
pos = $.inArray(targetNode, targetParent.children);
_assert(pos >= 0, "invalid target parent");
targetParent.children.splice(pos, 0, this);
case "after":
// Insert this node after target node
pos = $.inArray(targetNode, targetParent.children);
_assert(pos >= 0, "invalid target parent");
targetParent.children.splice(pos + 1, 0, this);
$.error("Invalid mode " + mode);
} else {
targetParent.children = [this];
// Parent has no <ul> tag yet:
// if( !targetParent.ul ) {
// // This is the parent's first child: create UL tag
// // (Hidden, because it will be
// targetParent.ul = document.createElement("ul");
// = "none";
// }
// // Issue 319: Add to target DOM parent (only if node was already rendered(expanded))
// if({
// targetParent.ul.appendChild(;
// }
// Let caller modify the nodes
if (map) {
targetNode.visit(map, true);
if (targetParent === prevParent) {
targetParent.triggerModifyChild("move", this);
} else {
// prevParent.triggerModifyChild("remove", this);
targetParent.triggerModifyChild("add", this);
// Handle cross-tree moves
if (tree !== targetNode.tree) {
// Fix node.tree for all source nodes
// _assert(false, "Cross-tree move is not yet implemented.");
this.warn("Cross-tree moveTo is experimental!");
this.visit(function (n) {
// TODO: fix selection state and activation, ...
n.tree = targetNode.tree;
}, true);
// A collaposed node won't re-render children, so we have to remove it manually
// if( !targetParent.expanded ){
// prevParent.ul.removeChild(;
// }
tree._callHook("treeStructureChanged", tree, "moveTo");
// Update HTML markup
if (!prevParent.isDescendantOf(targetParent)) {
if (
!targetParent.isDescendantOf(prevParent) &&
targetParent !== prevParent
) {
// TODO: fix selection state
// TODO: fix active state
var tree = this.tree;
var opts = tree.options;
var pers = tree.persistence;
// Always expand, if it's below minExpandLevel
// tree.logDebug ("%s._addChildNode(%o), l=%o", this, ftnode, ftnode.getLevel());
if ( opts.minExpandLevel >= ftnode.getLevel() ) {
// tree.logDebug ("Force expand for %o", ftnode);
this.bExpanded = true;
// In multi-hier mode, update the parents selection state
// DT issue #82: only if not initializing, because the children may not exist yet
// if( ! && opts.selectMode==3 && !isInitializing )
// ftnode._fixSelectionState();
// In multi-hier mode, update the parents selection state
if( ftnode.bSelected && opts.selectMode==3 ) {
var p = this;
while( p ) {
if( !p.hasSubSel )
p = p.parent;
// render this node and the new child
if ( tree.bEnableUpdate )
return ftnode;
/** Set focus relative to this node and optionally activate.
* 'left' collapses the node if it is expanded, or move to the parent
* otherwise.
* 'right' expands the node if it is collapsed, or move to the first
* child otherwise.
* @param {string|number} where 'down', 'first', 'last', 'left', 'parent', 'right', or 'up'.
* (Alternatively the keyCode that would normally trigger this move,
* e.g. `$.ui.keyCode.LEFT` = 'left'.
* @param {boolean} [activate=true]
* @returns {$.Promise}
navigate: function (where, activate) {
var node,
KC = $.ui.keyCode;
// Handle optional expand/collapse action for LEFT/RIGHT
switch (where) {
case "left":
case KC.LEFT:
if (this.expanded) {
return this.setExpanded(false);
case "right":
case KC.RIGHT:
if (!this.expanded && (this.children || this.lazy)) {
return this.setExpanded();
// Otherwise activate or focus the related node
node = this.findRelatedNode(where);
if (node) {
// setFocus/setActive will scroll later (if autoScroll is specified)
try {
node.makeVisible({ scrollIntoView: false });
} catch (e) {} // #272
if (activate === false) {
return _getResolvedPromise();
return node.setActive();
this.warn("Could not find related node '" + where + "'.");
return _getResolvedPromise();
* Remove this node (not allowed for system root).
remove: function () {
return this.parent.removeChild(this);
* Remove childNode from list of direct children.
* @param {FancytreeNode} childNode
removeChild: function (childNode) {
return this.tree._callHook("nodeRemoveChild", this, childNode);
* Remove all child nodes and descendents. This converts the node into a leaf.<br>
* If this was a lazy node, it is still considered 'loaded'; call node.resetLazy()
* in order to trigger lazyLoad on next expand.
removeChildren: function () {
return this.tree._callHook("nodeRemoveChildren", this);
* Remove class from node's span tag and .extraClasses.
* @param {string} className class name
* @since 2.17
removeClass: function (className) {
return this.toggleClass(className, false);
* This method renders and updates all HTML markup that is required
* to display this node in its current state.<br>
* Note:
* <ul>
* <li>It should only be neccessary to call this method after the node object
* was modified by direct access to its properties, because the common
* API methods (node.setTitle(), moveTo(), addChildren(), remove(), ...)
* already handle this.
* <li> {@link FancytreeNode#renderTitle} and {@link FancytreeNode#renderStatus}
* are implied. If changes are more local, calling only renderTitle() or
* renderStatus() may be sufficient and faster.
* </ul>
* @param {boolean} [force=false] re-render, even if html markup was already created
* @param {boolean} [deep=false] also render all descendants, even if parent is collapsed
render: function (force, deep) {
return this.tree._callHook("nodeRender", this, force, deep);
/** Create HTML markup for the node's outer `<span>` (expander, checkbox, icon, and title).
* Implies {@link FancytreeNode#renderStatus}.
* @see Fancytree_Hooks#nodeRenderTitle
renderTitle: function () {
return this.tree._callHook("nodeRenderTitle", this);
/** Update element's CSS classes according to node state.
* @see Fancytree_Hooks#nodeRenderStatus
renderStatus: function () {
return this.tree._callHook("nodeRenderStatus", this);
* (experimental) Replace this node with `source`.
* (Currently only available for paging nodes.)
* @param {NodeData[]} source List of child node definitions
* @since 2.15
replaceWith: function (source) {
var res,
parent = this.parent,
pos = $.inArray(this, parent.children),
self = this;
"replaceWith() currently requires a paging status node"
res = this.tree._callHook("nodeLoadChildren", this, source);
res.done(function (data) {
// New nodes are currently children of `this`.
var children = self.children;
// Prepend newly loaded child nodes to `this`
// Move new children after self
for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
children[i].parent = parent;
[pos + 1, 0].concat(children)
// Remove self
self.children = null;
// Redraw new nodes
// TODO: set node.partload = false if this was tha last paging node?
// parent.addPagingNode(false);
}).fail(function () {
return res;
// $.error("Not implemented: replaceWith()");
* Remove all children, collapse, and set the lazy-flag, so that the lazyLoad
* event is triggered on next expand.
resetLazy: function () {
this.expanded = false;
this.lazy = true;
this.children = undefined;
/** Schedule activity for delayed execution (cancel any pending request).
* scheduleAction('cancel') will only cancel a pending request (if any).
* @param {string} mode
* @param {number} ms
scheduleAction: function (mode, ms) {
if (this.tree.timer) {
this.tree.debug("clearTimeout(%o)", this.tree.timer);
this.tree.timer = null;
var self = this; // required for closures
switch (mode) {
case "cancel":
// Simply made sure that timer was cleared
case "expand":
this.tree.timer = setTimeout(function () {
self.tree.debug("setTimeout: trigger expand");
}, ms);
case "activate":
this.tree.timer = setTimeout(function () {
self.tree.debug("setTimeout: trigger activate");
}, ms);
$.error("Invalid mode " + mode);
// this.tree.debug("setTimeout(%s, %s): %s", mode, ms, this.tree.timer);
* @param {boolean | PlainObject} [effects=false] animation options.
* @param {object} [options=null] {topNode: null, effects: ..., parent: ...} this node will remain visible in
* any case, even if `this` is outside the scroll pane.
* @returns {$.Promise}
scrollIntoView: function (effects, options) {
if (options !== undefined && _isNode(options)) {
throw Error(
"scrollIntoView() with 'topNode' option is deprecated since 2014-05-08. Use 'options.topNode' instead."
// The scroll parent is typically the plain tree's <UL> container.
// For ext-table, we choose the nearest parent that has `position: relative`
// and `overflow` set.
// (This default can be overridden by the local or global `scrollParent` option.)
var opts = $.extend(
effects === true
? { duration: 200, queue: false }
: effects,
scrollOfs: this.tree.options.scrollOfs,
scrollParent: this.tree.options.scrollParent,
topNode: null,
$scrollParent = opts.scrollParent,
$container = this.tree.$container,
overflowY = $container.css("overflow-y");
if (!$scrollParent) {
if (this.tree.tbody) {
$scrollParent = $container.scrollParent();
} else if (overflowY === "scroll" || overflowY === "auto") {
$scrollParent = $container;
} else {
// #922 plain tree in a non-fixed-sized UL scrolls inside its parent
$scrollParent = $container.scrollParent();
} else if (!$scrollParent.jquery) {
// Make sure we have a jQuery object
$scrollParent = $($scrollParent);
if (
$scrollParent[0] === document ||
$scrollParent[0] === document.body
) {
// `document` may be returned by $().scrollParent(), if nothing is found,
// but would not work: (see #894)
"scrollIntoView(): normalizing scrollParent to 'window':",
$scrollParent = $(window);
// eslint-disable-next-line one-var
var topNodeY,
dfd = new $.Deferred(),
self = this,
nodeHeight = $(this.span).height(),
topOfs = || 0,
bottomOfs = opts.scrollOfs.bottom || 0,
containerHeight = $scrollParent.height(),
scrollTop = $scrollParent.scrollTop(),
$animateTarget = $scrollParent,
isParentWindow = $scrollParent[0] === window,
topNode = opts.topNode || null,
newScrollTop = null;
// this.debug("scrollIntoView(), scrollTop=" + scrollTop, opts.scrollOfs);
// _assert($(this.span).is(":visible"), "scrollIntoView node is invisible"); // otherwise we cannot calc offsets
if (this.isRootNode() || !this.isVisible()) {
// We cannot calc offsets for hidden elements"scrollIntoView(): node is invisible.");
return _getResolvedPromise();
if (isParentWindow) {
nodeY = $(this.span).offset().top;
topNodeY =
topNode && topNode.span ? $(topNode.span).offset().top : 0;
$animateTarget = $("html,body");
} else {
$scrollParent[0] !== document &&
$scrollParent[0] !== document.body,
"scrollParent should be a simple element or `window`, not document or body."
containerOffsetTop = $scrollParent.offset().top;
nodeY =
$(this.span).offset().top - containerOffsetTop + scrollTop; // relative to scroll parent
topNodeY = topNode
? $(topNode.span).offset().top -
containerOffsetTop +
: 0;
horzScrollbarHeight = Math.max(
$scrollParent.innerHeight() - $scrollParent[0].clientHeight
containerHeight -= horzScrollbarHeight;
// this.debug(" scrollIntoView(), nodeY=" + nodeY + ", containerHeight=" + containerHeight);
if (nodeY < scrollTop + topOfs) {
// Node is above visible container area
newScrollTop = nodeY - topOfs;
// this.debug(" scrollIntoView(), UPPER newScrollTop=" + newScrollTop);
} else if (
nodeY + nodeHeight >
scrollTop + containerHeight - bottomOfs
) {
newScrollTop = nodeY + nodeHeight - containerHeight + bottomOfs;
// this.debug(" scrollIntoView(), LOWER newScrollTop=" + newScrollTop);
// If a topNode was passed, make sure that it is never scrolled
// outside the upper border
if (topNode) {
topNode.isRootNode() || topNode.isVisible(),
"topNode must be visible"
if (topNodeY < newScrollTop) {
newScrollTop = topNodeY - topOfs;
// this.debug(" scrollIntoView(), TOP newScrollTop=" + newScrollTop);
if (newScrollTop === null) {
} else {
// this.debug(" scrollIntoView(), SET newScrollTop=" + newScrollTop);
if (opts.effects) {
opts.effects.complete = function () {
scrollTop: newScrollTop,
} else {
$animateTarget[0].scrollTop = newScrollTop;
return dfd.promise();
/**Activate this node.
* The `cell` option requires the ext-table and ext-ariagrid extensions.
* @param {boolean} [flag=true] pass false to deactivate
* @param {object} [opts] additional options. Defaults to {noEvents: false, noFocus: false, cell: null}
* @returns {$.Promise}
setActive: function (flag, opts) {
return this.tree._callHook("nodeSetActive", this, flag, opts);
/**Expand or collapse this node. Promise is resolved, when lazy loading and animations are done.
* @param {boolean} [flag=true] pass false to collapse
* @param {object} [opts] additional options. Defaults to {noAnimation: false, noEvents: false}
* @returns {$.Promise}
setExpanded: function (flag, opts) {
return this.tree._callHook("nodeSetExpanded", this, flag, opts);
/**Set keyboard focus to this node.
* @param {boolean} [flag=true] pass false to blur
* @see Fancytree#setFocus
setFocus: function (flag) {
return this.tree._callHook("nodeSetFocus", this, flag);
/**Select this node, i.e. check the checkbox.
* @param {boolean} [flag=true] pass false to deselect
* @param {object} [opts] additional options. Defaults to {noEvents: false, p
* propagateDown: null, propagateUp: null, callback: null }
setSelected: function (flag, opts) {
return this.tree._callHook("nodeSetSelected", this, flag, opts);
/**Mark a lazy node as 'error', 'loading', 'nodata', or 'ok'.
* @param {string} status 'error'|'loading'|'nodata'|'ok'
* @param {string} [message]
* @param {string} [details]
setStatus: function (status, message, details) {
return this.tree._callHook(
/**Rename this node.
* @param {string} title
setTitle: function (title) {
this.title = title;
/**Sort child list by title.
* @param {function} [cmp] custom compare function(a, b) that returns -1, 0, or 1 (defaults to sort by title).
* @param {boolean} [deep=false] pass true to sort all descendant nodes
sortChildren: function (cmp, deep) {
var i,
cl = this.children;
if (!cl) {
cmp =
cmp ||
function (a, b) {
var x = a.title.toLowerCase(),
y = b.title.toLowerCase();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
return x === y ? 0 : x > y ? 1 : -1;
if (deep) {
for (i = 0, l = cl.length; i < l; i++) {
if (cl[i].children) {
cl[i].sortChildren(cmp, "$norender$");
if (deep !== "$norender$") {
/** Convert node (or whole branch) into a plain object.
* The result is compatible with node.addChildren().
* @param {boolean} [recursive=false] include child nodes
* @param {function} [callback] callback(dict, node) is called for every node, in order to allow modifications.
* Return `false` to ignore this node or `"skip"` to include this node without its children.
* @returns {NodeData}
toDict: function (recursive, callback) {
var i,
dict = {},
self = this;
$.each(NODE_ATTRS, function (i, a) {
if (self[a] || self[a] === false) {
dict[a] = self[a];
if (!$.isEmptyObject( { = $.extend({},;
if ($.isEmptyObject( {
if (callback) {
res = callback(dict, self);
if (res === false) {
return false; // Don't include this node nor its children
if (res === "skip") {
recursive = false; // Include this node, but not the children
if (recursive) {
if (_isArray(this.children)) {
dict.children = [];
for (i = 0, l = this.children.length; i < l; i++) {
node = this.children[i];
if (!node.isStatusNode()) {
res = node.toDict(true, callback);
if (res !== false) {
return dict;
* Set, clear, or toggle class of node's span tag and .extraClasses.
* @param {string} className class name (separate multiple classes by space)
* @param {boolean} [flag] true/false to add/remove class. If omitted, class is toggled.
* @returns {boolean} true if a class was added
* @since 2.17
toggleClass: function (value, flag) {
var className,
rnotwhite = /\S+/g,
classNames = value.match(rnotwhite) || [],
i = 0,
wasAdded = false,
statusElem = this[this.tree.statusClassPropName],
curClasses = " " + (this.extraClasses || "") + " ";
//"toggleClass('" + value + "', " + flag + ")", curClasses);
// Modify DOM element directly if it already exists
if (statusElem) {
$(statusElem).toggleClass(value, flag);
// Modify node.extraClasses to make this change persistent
// Toggle if flag was not passed
while ((className = classNames[i++])) {
hasClass = curClasses.indexOf(" " + className + " ") >= 0;
flag = flag === undefined ? !hasClass : !!flag;
if (flag) {
if (!hasClass) {
curClasses += className + " ";
wasAdded = true;
} else {
while (curClasses.indexOf(" " + className + " ") > -1) {
curClasses = curClasses.replace(
" " + className + " ",
" "
this.extraClasses = _trim(curClasses);
//"-> toggleClass('" + value + "', " + flag + "): '" + this.extraClasses + "'");
return wasAdded;
/** Flip expanded status. */
toggleExpanded: function () {
return this.tree._callHook("nodeToggleExpanded", this);
/** Flip selection status. */
toggleSelected: function () {
return this.tree._callHook("nodeToggleSelected", this);
toString: function () {
return "FancytreeNode@" + this.key + "[title='" + this.title + "']";
// return "<FancytreeNode(#" + this.key + ", '" + this.title + "')>";
* Trigger `modifyChild` event on a parent to signal that a child was modified.
* @param {string} operation Type of change: 'add', 'remove', 'rename', 'move', 'data', ...
* @param {FancytreeNode} [childNode]
* @param {object} [extra]
triggerModifyChild: function (operation, childNode, extra) {
var data,
modifyChild = this.tree.options.modifyChild;
if (modifyChild) {
if (childNode && childNode.parent !== this) {
"childNode " + childNode + " is not a child of " + this
data = {
node: this,
tree: this.tree,
operation: operation,
childNode: childNode || null,
if (extra) {
$.extend(data, extra);
modifyChild({ type: "modifyChild" }, data);
* Trigger `modifyChild` event on node.parent(!).
* @param {string} operation Type of change: 'add', 'remove', 'rename', 'move', 'data', ...
* @param {object} [extra]
triggerModify: function (operation, extra) {
this.parent.triggerModifyChild(operation, this, extra);
/** Call fn(node) for all child nodes in hierarchical order (depth-first).<br>
* Stop iteration, if fn() returns false. Skip current branch, if fn() returns "skip".<br>
* Return false if iteration was stopped.
* @param {function} fn the callback function.
* Return false to stop iteration, return "skip" to skip this node and
* its children only.
* @param {boolean} [includeSelf=false]
* @returns {boolean}
visit: function (fn, includeSelf) {
var i,
res = true,
children = this.children;
if (includeSelf === true) {
res = fn(this);
if (res === false || res === "skip") {
return res;
if (children) {
for (i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
res = children[i].visit(fn, true);
if (res === false) {
return res;
/** Call fn(node) for all child nodes and recursively load lazy children.<br>
* <b>Note:</b> If you need this method, you probably should consider to review
* your architecture! Recursivley loading nodes is a perfect way for lazy
* programmers to flood the server with requests ;-)
* @param {function} [fn] optional callback function.
* Return false to stop iteration, return "skip" to skip this node and
* its children only.
* @param {boolean} [includeSelf=false]
* @returns {$.Promise}
* @since 2.4
visitAndLoad: function (fn, includeSelf, _recursion) {
var dfd,
node = this;
// node.debug("visitAndLoad");
if (fn && includeSelf === true) {
res = fn(node);
if (res === false || res === "skip") {
return _recursion ? res : _getResolvedPromise();
if (!node.children && !node.lazy) {
return _getResolvedPromise();
dfd = new $.Deferred();
loaders = [];
// node.debug("load()...");
node.load().done(function () {
// node.debug("load()... done.");
for (var i = 0, l = node.children.length; i < l; i++) {
res = node.children[i].visitAndLoad(fn, true, true);
if (res === false) {
} else if (res !== "skip") {
loaders.push(res); // Add promise to the list
$.when.apply(this, loaders).then(function () {
return dfd.promise();
/** Call fn(node) for all parent nodes, bottom-up, including invisible system root.<br>
* Stop iteration, if fn() returns false.<br>
* Return false if iteration was stopped.
* @param {function} fn the callback function.
* Return false to stop iteration, return "skip" to skip this node and children only.
* @param {boolean} [includeSelf=false]
* @returns {boolean}
visitParents: function (fn, includeSelf) {
// Visit parent nodes (bottom up)
if (includeSelf && fn(this) === false) {
return false;
var p = this.parent;
while (p) {
if (fn(p) === false) {
return false;
p = p.parent;
return true;
/** Call fn(node) for all sibling nodes.<br>
* Stop iteration, if fn() returns false.<br>
* Return false if iteration was stopped.
* @param {function} fn the callback function.
* Return false to stop iteration.
* @param {boolean} [includeSelf=false]
* @returns {boolean}
visitSiblings: function (fn, includeSelf) {
var i,
ac = this.parent.children;
for (i = 0, l = ac.length; i < l; i++) {
n = ac[i];
if (includeSelf || n !== this) {
if (fn(n) === false) {
return false;
return true;
/** Write warning to browser console if debugLevel >= 2 (prepending node info)
* @param {*} msg string or object or array of such
warn: function (msg) {
if (this.tree.options.debugLevel >= 2) {, this.toString());
consoleApply("warn", arguments);
* Fancytree
* Construct a new tree object.
* @class Fancytree
* @classdesc The controller behind a fancytree.
* This class also contains 'hook methods': see {@link Fancytree_Hooks}.
* @param {Widget} widget
* @property {string} _id Automatically generated unique tree instance ID, e.g. "1".
* @property {string} _ns Automatically generated unique tree namespace, e.g. ".fancytree-1".
* @property {FancytreeNode} activeNode Currently active node or null.
* @property {string} ariaPropName Property name of FancytreeNode that contains the element which will receive the aria attributes.
* Typically "li", but "tr" for table extension.
* @property {jQueryObject} $container Outer `<ul>` element (or `<table>` element for ext-table).
* @property {jQueryObject} $div A jQuery object containing the element used to instantiate the tree widget (`widget.element`)
* @property {object|array} columns Recommended place to store shared column meta data. @since 2.27
* @property {object} data Metadata, i.e. properties that may be passed to `source` in addition to a children array.
* @property {object} ext Hash of all active plugin instances.
* @property {FancytreeNode} focusNode Currently focused node or null.
* @property {FancytreeNode} lastSelectedNode Used to implement selectMode 1 (single select)
* @property {string} nodeContainerAttrName Property name of FancytreeNode that contains the outer element of single nodes.
* Typically "li", but "tr" for table extension.
* @property {FancytreeOptions} options Current options, i.e. default options + options passed to constructor.
* @property {FancytreeNode} rootNode Invisible system root node.
* @property {string} statusClassPropName Property name of FancytreeNode that contains the element which will receive the status classes.
* Typically "span", but "tr" for table extension.
* @property {object} types Map for shared type specific meta data, used with node.type attribute. @since 2.27
* @property {object} viewport See ext-vieport. @since v2.31
* @property {object} widget Base widget instance.
function Fancytree(widget) {
this.widget = widget;
this.$div = widget.element;
this.options = widget.options;
if (this.options) {
if (this.options.lazyload !== undefined) {
"The 'lazyload' event is deprecated since 2014-02-25. Use 'lazyLoad' (with uppercase L) instead."
if (this.options.loaderror !== undefined) {
"The 'loaderror' event was renamed since 2014-07-03. Use 'loadError' (with uppercase E) instead."
if (this.options.fx !== undefined) {
"The 'fx' option was replaced by 'toggleEffect' since 2014-11-30."
if (this.options.removeNode !== undefined) {
"The 'removeNode' event was replaced by 'modifyChild' since 2.20 (2016-09-10)."
this.ext = {}; // Active extension instances
this.types = {};
this.columns = {};
// allow to init from <div data-foo=''> = _getElementDataAsDict(this.$div);
// TODO: use widget.uuid instead?
this._id = "" + (this.options.treeId || $.ui.fancytree._nextId++);
// TODO: use widget.eventNamespace instead?
this._ns = ".fancytree-" + this._id; // append for namespaced events
this.activeNode = null;
this.focusNode = null;
this._hasFocus = null;
this._tempCache = {};
this._lastMousedownNode = null;
this._enableUpdate = true;
this.lastSelectedNode = null;
this.systemFocusElement = null;
this.lastQuicksearchTerm = "";
this.lastQuicksearchTime = 0;
this.viewport = null; // ext-grid
this.statusClassPropName = "span";
this.ariaPropName = "li";
this.nodeContainerAttrName = "li";
// Remove previous markup if any
// Create a node without parent.
var fakeParent = { tree: this },
this.rootNode = new FancytreeNode(fakeParent, {
title: "root",
key: "root_" + this._id,
children: null,
expanded: true,
this.rootNode.parent = null;
// Create root markup
$ul = $("<ul>", {
id: "ft-id-" + this._id,
class: "ui-fancytree fancytree-container fancytree-plain",
this.$container = $ul;
this.rootNode.ul = $ul[0];
if (this.options.debugLevel == null) {
this.options.debugLevel = FT.debugLevel;
// // Add container to the TAB chain
// // See
// // #577: Allow to set tabindex to "0", "-1" and ""
// this.$container.attr("tabindex", this.options.tabindex);
// if( this.options.rtl ) {
// this.$container.attr("DIR", "RTL").addClass("fancytree-rtl");
// // }else{
// // this.$container.attr("DIR", null).removeClass("fancytree-rtl");
// }
// if(this.options.aria){
// this.$container.attr("role", "tree");
// if( this.options.selectMode !== 1 ) {
// this.$container.attr("aria-multiselectable", true);
// }
// }
Fancytree.prototype = /** @lends Fancytree# */ {
/* Return a context object that can be re-used for _callHook().
* @param {Fancytree | FancytreeNode | EventData} obj
* @param {Event} originalEvent
* @param {Object} extra
* @returns {EventData}
_makeHookContext: function (obj, originalEvent, extra) {
var ctx, tree;
if (obj.node !== undefined) {
// obj is already a context object
if (originalEvent && obj.originalEvent !== originalEvent) {
$.error("invalid args");
ctx = obj;
} else if (obj.tree) {
// obj is a FancytreeNode
tree = obj.tree;
ctx = {
node: obj,
tree: tree,
widget: tree.widget,
options: tree.widget.options,
originalEvent: originalEvent,
typeInfo: tree.types[obj.type] || {},
} else if (obj.widget) {
// obj is a Fancytree
ctx = {
node: null,
tree: obj,
widget: obj.widget,
options: obj.widget.options,
originalEvent: originalEvent,
} else {
$.error("invalid args");
if (extra) {
$.extend(ctx, extra);
return ctx;
/* Trigger a hook function: funcName(ctx, [...]).
* @param {string} funcName
* @param {Fancytree|FancytreeNode|EventData} contextObject
* @param {any} [_extraArgs] optional additional arguments
* @returns {any}
_callHook: function (funcName, contextObject, _extraArgs) {
var ctx = this._makeHookContext(contextObject),
fn = this[funcName],
args =, 2);
if (!_isFunction(fn)) {
$.error("_callHook('" + funcName + "') is not a function");
// this.debug("_hook", funcName, ctx.node && ctx.node.toString() || ctx.tree.toString(), args);
return fn.apply(this, args);
_setExpiringValue: function (key, value, ms) {
this._tempCache[key] = {
value: value,
expire: + (+ms || 50),
_getExpiringValue: function (key) {
var entry = this._tempCache[key];
if (entry && entry.expire > {
return entry.value;
delete this._tempCache[key];
return null;
/* Check if this tree has extension `name` enabled.
* @param {string} name name of the required extension
_usesExtension: function (name) {
return $.inArray(name, this.options.extensions) >= 0;
/* Check if current extensions dependencies are met and throw an error if not.
* This method may be called inside the `treeInit` hook for custom extensions.
* @param {string} name name of the required extension
* @param {boolean} [required=true] pass `false` if the extension is optional, but we want to check for order if it is present
* @param {boolean} [before] `true` if `name` must be included before this, `false` otherwise (use `null` if order doesn't matter)
* @param {string} [message] optional error message (defaults to a descriptve error message)
_requireExtension: function (name, required, before, message) {
if (before != null) {
before = !!before;
var thisName =,
extList = this.options.extensions,
isBefore =
$.inArray(name, extList) < $.inArray(thisName, extList),
isMissing = required && this.ext[name] == null,
badOrder = !isMissing && before != null && before !== isBefore;
thisName && thisName !== name,
"invalid or same name '" + thisName + "' (require yourself?)"
if (isMissing || badOrder) {
if (!message) {
if (isMissing || required) {
message =
"'" +
thisName +
"' extension requires '" +
name +
if (badOrder) {
message +=
" to be registered " +
(before ? "before" : "after") +
" itself";
} else {
message =
"If used together, `" +
name +
"` must be registered " +
(before ? "before" : "after") +
" `" +
thisName +
return false;
return true;
/** Activate node with a given key and fire focus and activate events.
* A previously activated node will be deactivated.
* If activeVisible option is set, all parents will be expanded as necessary.
* Pass key = false, to deactivate the current node only.
* @param {string} key
* @param {object} [opts] additional options. Defaults to {noEvents: false, noFocus: false}
* @returns {FancytreeNode} activated node (null, if not found)
activateKey: function (key, opts) {
var node = this.getNodeByKey(key);
if (node) {
node.setActive(true, opts);
} else if (this.activeNode) {
this.activeNode.setActive(false, opts);
return node;
/** (experimental) Add child status nodes that indicate 'More...', ....
* @param {boolean|object} node optional node definition. Pass `false` to remove all paging nodes.
* @param {string} [mode='append'] 'child'|firstChild'
* @since 2.15
addPagingNode: function (node, mode) {
return this.rootNode.addPagingNode(node, mode);
* (experimental) Apply a modification (or navigation) operation.
* Valid commands:
* - 'moveUp', 'moveDown'
* - 'indent', 'outdent'
* - 'remove'
* - 'edit', 'addChild', 'addSibling': (reqires ext-edit extension)
* - 'cut', 'copy', 'paste': (use an internal singleton 'clipboard')
* - 'down', 'first', 'last', 'left', 'parent', 'right', 'up': navigate
* @param {string} cmd
* @param {FancytreeNode} [node=active_node]
* @param {object} [opts] Currently unused
* @since 2.32
applyCommand: function (cmd, node, opts_) {
var // clipboard,
// opts = $.extend(
// { setActive: true, clipboard: CLIPBOARD },
// opts_
// );
node = node || this.getActiveNode();
// clipboard = opts.clipboard;
switch (cmd) {
// Sorting and indentation:
case "moveUp":
refNode = node.getPrevSibling();
if (refNode) {
node.moveTo(refNode, "before");
case "moveDown":
refNode = node.getNextSibling();
if (refNode) {
node.moveTo(refNode, "after");
case "indent":
refNode = node.getPrevSibling();
if (refNode) {
node.moveTo(refNode, "child");
case "outdent":
if (!node.isTopLevel()) {
node.moveTo(node.getParent(), "after");
// Remove:
case "remove":
refNode = node.getPrevSibling() || node.getParent();
if (refNode) {
// Add, edit (requires ext-edit):
case "addChild":
node.editCreateNode("child", "");
case "addSibling":
node.editCreateNode("after", "");
case "rename":
// Simple clipboard simulation:
// case "cut":
// clipboard = { mode: cmd, data: node };
// break;
// case "copy":
// clipboard = {
// mode: cmd,
// data: node.toDict(function(d, n) {
// delete d.key;
// }),
// };
// break;
// case "clear":
// clipboard = null;
// break;
// case "paste":
// if (clipboard.mode === "cut") {
// // refNode = node.getPrevSibling();
//, "child");
// } else if (clipboard.mode === "copy") {
// node.addChildren(;
// }
// break;
// Navigation commands:
case "down":
case "first":
case "last":
case "left":
case "parent":
case "right":
case "up":
return node.navigate(cmd);
$.error("Unhandled command: '" + cmd + "'");
/** (experimental) Modify existing data model.
* @param {Array} patchList array of [key, NodePatch] arrays
* @returns {$.Promise} resolved, when all patches have been applied
* @see TreePatch
applyPatch: function (patchList) {
var dfd,
patchCount = patchList.length,
deferredList = [];
for (i = 0; i < patchCount; i++) {
p2 = patchList[i];
p2.length === 2,
"patchList must be an array of length-2-arrays"
key = p2[0];
patch = p2[1];
node = key === null ? this.rootNode : this.getNodeByKey(key);
if (node) {
dfd = new $.Deferred();
node.applyPatch(patch).always(_makeResolveFunc(dfd, node));
} else {
this.warn("could not find node with key '" + key + "'");
// Return a promise that is resolved, when ALL patches were applied
return $.when.apply($, deferredList).promise();
/* TODO: implement in dnd extension
cancelDrag: function() {
var dd = $.ui.ddmanager.current;
/** Remove all nodes.
* @since 2.14
clear: function (source) {
this._callHook("treeClear", this);
/** Return the number of nodes.
* @returns {integer}
count: function () {
return this.rootNode.countChildren();
/** Write to browser console if debugLevel >= 4 (prepending tree name)
* @param {*} msg string or object or array of such
debug: function (msg) {
if (this.options.debugLevel >= 4) {, this.toString());
consoleApply("log", arguments);
/** Destroy this widget, restore previous markup and cleanup resources.
* @since 2.34
destroy: function () {
/** Enable (or disable) the tree control.
* @param {boolean} [flag=true] pass false to disable
* @since 2.30
enable: function (flag) {
if (flag === false) {
} else {
/** Temporarily suppress rendering to improve performance on bulk-updates.
* @param {boolean} flag
* @returns {boolean} previous status
* @since 2.19
enableUpdate: function (flag) {
flag = flag !== false;
if (!!this._enableUpdate === !!flag) {
return flag;
this._enableUpdate = flag;
if (flag) {
this.debug("enableUpdate(true): redraw "); //, this._dirtyRoots);
this._callHook("treeStructureChanged", this, "enableUpdate");
} else {
// this._dirtyRoots = null;
return !flag; // return previous value
/** Write error to browser console if debugLevel >= 1 (prepending tree info)
* @param {*} msg string or object or array of such
error: function (msg) {
if (this.options.debugLevel >= 1) {, this.toString());
consoleApply("error", arguments);
/** Expand (or collapse) all parent nodes.
* This convenience method uses `tree.visit()` and `tree.setExpanded()`
* internally.
* @param {boolean} [flag=true] pass false to collapse
* @param {object} [opts] passed to setExpanded()
* @since 2.30
expandAll: function (flag, opts) {
var prev = this.enableUpdate(false);
flag = flag !== false;
this.visit(function (node) {
if (
node.hasChildren() !== false &&
node.isExpanded() !== flag
) {
node.setExpanded(flag, opts);
/**Find all nodes that matches condition.
* @param {string | function(node)} match title string to search for, or a
* callback function that returns `true` if a node is matched.
* @returns {FancytreeNode[]} array of nodes (may be empty)
* @see FancytreeNode#findAll
* @since 2.12
findAll: function (match) {
return this.rootNode.findAll(match);
/**Find first node that matches condition.
* @param {string | function(node)} match title string to search for, or a
* callback function that returns `true` if a node is matched.
* @returns {FancytreeNode} matching node or null
* @see FancytreeNode#findFirst
* @since 2.12
findFirst: function (match) {
return this.rootNode.findFirst(match);
/** Find the next visible node that starts with `match`, starting at `startNode`
* and wrap-around at the end.
* @param {string|function} match
* @param {FancytreeNode} [startNode] defaults to first node
* @returns {FancytreeNode} matching node or null
findNextNode: function (match, startNode) {
//, visibleOnly) {
var res = null,
firstNode = this.getFirstChild();
match =
typeof match === "string"
? _makeNodeTitleStartMatcher(match)
: match;
startNode = startNode || firstNode;
function _checkNode(n) {
// console.log("_check " + n)
if (match(n)) {
res = n;
if (res || n === startNode) {
return false;
this.visitRows(_checkNode, {
start: startNode,
includeSelf: false,
// Wrap around search
if (!res && startNode !== firstNode) {
this.visitRows(_checkNode, {
start: firstNode,
includeSelf: true,
return res;
/** Find a node relative to another node.
* @param {FancytreeNode} node
* @param {string|number} where 'down', 'first', 'last', 'left', 'parent', 'right', or 'up'.
* (Alternatively the keyCode that would normally trigger this move,
* e.g. `$.ui.keyCode.LEFT` = 'left'.
* @param {boolean} [includeHidden=false] Not yet implemented
* @returns {FancytreeNode|null}
* @since v2.31
findRelatedNode: function (node, where, includeHidden) {
var res = null,
KC = $.ui.keyCode;
switch (where) {
case "parent":
if (node.parent && node.parent.parent) {
res = node.parent;
case "first":
case KC.HOME:
// First visible node
this.visit(function (n) {
if (n.isVisible()) {
res = n;
return false;
case "last":
case KC.END:
this.visit(function (n) {
// last visible node
if (n.isVisible()) {
res = n;
case "left":
case KC.LEFT:
if (node.expanded) {
} else if (node.parent && node.parent.parent) {
res = node.parent;
case "right":
case KC.RIGHT:
if (!node.expanded && (node.children || node.lazy)) {
res = node;
} else if (node.children && node.children.length) {
res = node.children[0];
case "up":
case KC.UP:
function (n) {
res = n;
return false;
{ start: node, reverse: true, includeSelf: false }
case "down":
case KC.DOWN:
function (n) {
res = n;
return false;
{ start: node, includeSelf: false }
this.tree.warn("Unknown relation '" + where + "'.");
return res;
// TODO: fromDict
* Generate INPUT elements that can be submitted with html forms.
* In selectMode 3 only the topmost selected nodes are considered, unless
* `opts.stopOnParents: false` is passed.
* @example
* // Generate input elements for active and selected nodes
* tree.generateFormElements();
* // Generate input elements selected nodes, using a custom `name` attribute
* tree.generateFormElements("cust_sel", false);
* // Generate input elements using a custom filter
* tree.generateFormElements(true, true, { filter: function(node) {
* return node.isSelected() &&;
* }});
* @param {boolean | string} [selected=true] Pass false to disable, pass a string to override the field name (default: 'ft_ID[]')
* @param {boolean | string} [active=true] Pass false to disable, pass a string to override the field name (default: 'ft_ID_active')
* @param {object} [opts] default { filter: null, stopOnParents: true }
generateFormElements: function (selected, active, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var nodeList,
selectedName =
typeof selected === "string"
? selected
: "ft_" + this._id + "[]",
activeName =
typeof active === "string"
? active
: "ft_" + this._id + "_active",
id = "fancytree_result_" + this._id,
$result = $("#" + id),
stopOnParents =
this.options.selectMode === 3 &&
opts.stopOnParents !== false;
if ($result.length) {
} else {
$result = $("<div>", {
id: id,
if (active !== false && this.activeNode) {
$("<input>", {
type: "radio",
name: activeName,
value: this.activeNode.key,
checked: true,
function _appender(node) {
$("<input>", {
type: "checkbox",
name: selectedName,
value: node.key,
checked: true,
if (opts.filter) {
this.visit(function (node) {
var res = opts.filter(node);
if (res === "skip") {
return res;
if (res !== false) {
} else if (selected !== false) {
nodeList = this.getSelectedNodes(stopOnParents);
$.each(nodeList, function (idx, node) {
* Return the currently active node or null.
* @returns {FancytreeNode}
getActiveNode: function () {
return this.activeNode;
/** Return the first top level node if any (not the invisible root node).
* @returns {FancytreeNode | null}
getFirstChild: function () {
return this.rootNode.getFirstChild();
* Return node that has keyboard focus or null.
* @returns {FancytreeNode}
getFocusNode: function () {
return this.focusNode;
* Return current option value.
* (Note: this is the preferred variant of `$().fancytree("option", "KEY")`)
* @param {string} name option name (may contain '.')
* @returns {any}
getOption: function (optionName) {
return this.widget.option(optionName);
* Return node with a given key or null if not found.
* @param {string} key
* @param {FancytreeNode} [searchRoot] only search below this node
* @returns {FancytreeNode | null}
getNodeByKey: function (key, searchRoot) {
// Search the DOM by element ID (assuming this is faster than traversing all nodes).
var el, match;
// TODO: use tree.keyMap if available
// TODO: check opts.generateIds === true
if (!searchRoot) {
el = document.getElementById(this.options.idPrefix + key);
if (el) {
return el.ftnode ? el.ftnode : null;
// Not found in the DOM, but still may be in an unrendered part of tree
searchRoot = searchRoot || this.rootNode;
match = null;
key = "" + key; // Convert to string (#1005)
searchRoot.visit(function (node) {
if (node.key === key) {
match = node;
return false; // Stop iteration
}, true);
return match;
/** Return the invisible system root node.
* @returns {FancytreeNode}
getRootNode: function () {
return this.rootNode;
* Return an array of selected nodes.
* Note: you cannot send this result via Ajax directly. Instead the
* node object need to be converted to plain objects, for example
* by using `$.map()` and `node.toDict()`.
* @param {boolean} [stopOnParents=false] only return the topmost selected
* node (useful with selectMode 3)
* @returns {FancytreeNode[]}
getSelectedNodes: function (stopOnParents) {
return this.rootNode.getSelectedNodes(stopOnParents);
/** Return true if the tree control has keyboard focus
* @returns {boolean}
hasFocus: function () {
// var ae = document.activeElement,
// hasFocus = !!(
// ae && $(ae).closest(".fancytree-container").length
// );
// if (hasFocus !== !!this._hasFocus) {
// this.warn(
// "hasFocus(): fix inconsistent container state, now: " +
// hasFocus
// );
// this._hasFocus = hasFocus;
// this.$container.toggleClass("fancytree-treefocus", hasFocus);
// }
// return hasFocus;
return !!this._hasFocus;
/** Write to browser console if debugLevel >= 3 (prepending tree name)
* @param {*} msg string or object or array of such
info: function (msg) {
if (this.options.debugLevel >= 3) {, this.toString());
consoleApply("info", arguments);
/** Return true if any node is currently beeing loaded, i.e. a Ajax request is pending.
* @returns {boolean}
* @since 2.32
isLoading: function () {
var res = false;
this.rootNode.visit(function (n) {
// also visit rootNode
if (n._isLoading || n._requestId) {
res = true;
return false;
}, true);
return res;
TODO: isInitializing: function() {
return ( this.phase=="init" || this.phase=="postInit" );
TODO: isReloading: function() {
return ( this.phase=="init" || this.phase=="postInit" ) && this.options.persist && this.persistence.cookiesFound;
TODO: isUserEvent: function() {
return ( this.phase=="userEvent" );
* Make sure that a node with a given ID is loaded, by traversing - and
* loading - its parents. This method is meant for lazy hierarchies.
* A callback is executed for every node as we go.
* @example
* // Resolve using node.key:
* tree.loadKeyPath("/_3/_23/_26/_27", function(node, status){
* if(status === "loaded") {
* console.log("loaded intermediate node " + node);
* }else if(status === "ok") {
* node.activate();
* }
* });
* // Use deferred promise:
* tree.loadKeyPath("/_3/_23/_26/_27").progress(function(data){
* if(data.status === "loaded") {
* console.log("loaded intermediate node " + data.node);
* }else if(data.status === "ok") {
* node.activate();
* }
* }).done(function(){
* ...
* });
* // Custom path segment resolver:
* tree.loadKeyPath("/321/431/21/2", {
* matchKey: function(node, key){
* return === key;
* },
* callback: function(node, status){
* if(status === "loaded") {
* console.log("loaded intermediate node " + node);
* }else if(status === "ok") {
* node.activate();
* }
* }
* });
* @param {string | string[]} keyPathList one or more key paths (e.g. '/3/2_1/7')
* @param {function | object} optsOrCallback callback(node, status) is called for every visited node ('loading', 'loaded', 'ok', 'error').
* Pass an object to define custom key matchers for the path segments: {callback: function, matchKey: function}.
* @returns {$.Promise}
loadKeyPath: function (keyPathList, optsOrCallback) {
var callback,
self = this,
dfd = new $.Deferred(),
parent = this.getRootNode(),
sep = this.options.keyPathSeparator,
pathSegList = [],
opts = $.extend({}, optsOrCallback);
// Prepare options
if (typeof optsOrCallback === "function") {
callback = optsOrCallback;
} else if (optsOrCallback && optsOrCallback.callback) {
callback = optsOrCallback.callback;
opts.callback = function (ctx, node, status) {
if (callback) {, node, status);
dfd.notifyWith(ctx, [{ node: node, status: status }]);
if (opts.matchKey == null) {
opts.matchKey = function (node, key) {
return node.key === key;
// Convert array of path strings to array of segment arrays
if (!_isArray(keyPathList)) {
keyPathList = [keyPathList];
for (i = 0; i < keyPathList.length; i++) {
path = keyPathList[i];
// strip leading slash
if (path.charAt(0) === sep) {
path = path.substr(1);
// segListMap[path] = { parent: parent, segList: path.split(sep) };
// targetList.push({ parent: parent, segList: path.split(sep)/* , path: path*/});
// The timeout forces async behavior always (even if nodes are all loaded)
// This way a potential progress() event will fire.
setTimeout(function () {
self._loadKeyPathImpl(dfd, opts, parent, pathSegList).done(
function () {
}, 0);
return dfd.promise();
* Resolve a list of paths, relative to one parent node.
_loadKeyPathImpl: function (dfd, opts, parent, pathSegList) {
var deferredList,
self = this;
function __findChild(parent, key) {
// console.log("__findChild", key, parent);
var i,
cl = parent.children;
if (cl) {
for (i = 0, l = cl.length; i < l; i++) {
if (opts.matchKey(cl[i], key)) {
return cl[i];
return null;
// console.log("_loadKeyPathImpl, parent=", parent, ", pathSegList=", pathSegList);
// Pass 1:
// Handle all path segments for nodes that are already loaded.
// Collect distinct top-most lazy nodes in a map.
// Note that we can use node.key to de-dupe entries, even if a custom matcher would
// look for other node attributes.
// map[node.key] => {node: node, pathList: [list of remaining rest-paths]}
remainMap = {};
for (i = 0; i < pathSegList.length; i++) {
segList = pathSegList[i];
// target = targetList[i];
// Traverse and pop path segments (i.e. keys), until we hit a lazy, unloaded node
tmpParent = parent;
while (segList.length) {
key = segList.shift();
node = __findChild(tmpParent, key);
if (!node) {
"loadKeyPath: key not found: " +
key +
" (parent: " +
tmpParent +
opts.callback(this, key, "error");
} else if (segList.length === 0) {
opts.callback(this, node, "ok");
} else if (!node.lazy || node.hasChildren() !== undefined) {
opts.callback(this, node, "loaded");
tmpParent = node;
} else {
opts.callback(this, node, "loaded");
key = node.key; //target.segList.join(sep);
if (remainMap[key]) {
} else {
remainMap[key] = {
parent: node,
pathSegList: [segList],
// console.log("_loadKeyPathImpl AFTER pass 1, remainMap=", remainMap);
// Now load all lazy nodes and continue iteration for remaining paths
deferredList = [];
// Avoid jshint warning 'Don't make functions within a loop.':
function __lazyload(dfd, parent, pathSegList) {
// console.log("__lazyload", parent, "pathSegList=", pathSegList);
opts.callback(self, parent, "loading");
.done(function () {
.call(self, dfd, opts, parent, pathSegList)
.always(_makeResolveFunc(dfd, self));
.fail(function (errMsg) {
self.warn("loadKeyPath: error loading lazy " + parent);
opts.callback(self, node, "error");
// remainMap contains parent nodes, each with a list of relative sub-paths.
// We start loading all of them now, and pass the the list to each loader.
for (nodeKey in remainMap) {
if (_hasProp(remainMap, nodeKey)) {
remain = remainMap[nodeKey];
// console.log("for(): remain=", remain, "remainMap=", remainMap);
// key = remain.segList.shift();
// node = __findChild(remain.parent, key);
// if (node == null) { // #576
// // Issue #576, refactored for v2.27:
// // The root cause was, that sometimes the wrong parent was used here
// // to find the next segment.
// // Falling back to getNodeByKey() was a hack that no longer works if a custom
// // matcher is used, because we cannot assume that a single segment-key is unique
// // throughout the tree.
// self.error("loadKeyPath: error loading child by key '" + key + "' (parent: " + target.parent + ")", target);
// // node = self.getNodeByKey(key);
// continue;
// }
subDfd = new $.Deferred();
__lazyload(subDfd, remain.parent, remain.pathSegList);
// Return a promise that is resolved, when ALL paths were loaded
return $.when.apply($, deferredList).promise();
/** Re-fire beforeActivate, activate, and (optional) focus events.
* Calling this method in the `init` event, will activate the node that
* was marked 'active' in the source data, and optionally set the keyboard
* focus.
* @param [setFocus=false]
reactivate: function (setFocus) {
var res,
node = this.activeNode;
if (!node) {
return _getResolvedPromise();
this.activeNode = null; // Force re-activating
res = node.setActive(true, { noFocus: true });
if (setFocus) {
return res;
/** Reload tree from source and return a promise.
* @param [source] optional new source (defaults to initial source data)
* @returns {$.Promise}
reload: function (source) {
this._callHook("treeClear", this);
return this._callHook("treeLoad", this, source);
/**Render tree (i.e. create DOM elements for all top-level nodes).
* @param {boolean} [force=false] create DOM elemnts, even if parent is collapsed
* @param {boolean} [deep=false]
render: function (force, deep) {
return this.rootNode.render(force, deep);
/**(De)select all nodes.
* @param {boolean} [flag=true]
* @since 2.28
selectAll: function (flag) {
this.visit(function (node) {
// TODO: selectKey: function(key, select)
// TODO: serializeArray: function(stopOnParents)
* @param {boolean} [flag=true]
setFocus: function (flag) {
return this._callHook("treeSetFocus", this, flag);
* Set current option value.
* (Note: this is the preferred variant of `$().fancytree("option", "KEY", VALUE)`)
* @param {string} name option name (may contain '.')
* @param {any} new value
setOption: function (optionName, value) {
return this.widget.option(optionName, value);
* Call console.time() when in debug mode (verbose >= 4).
* @param {string} label
debugTime: function (label) {
if (this.options.debugLevel >= 4) {
window.console.time(this + " - " + label);
* Call console.timeEnd() when in debug mode (verbose >= 4).
* @param {string} label
debugTimeEnd: function (label) {
if (this.options.debugLevel >= 4) {
window.console.timeEnd(this + " - " + label);
* Return all nodes as nested list of {@link NodeData}.
* @param {boolean} [includeRoot=false] Returns the hidden system root node (and its children)
* @param {function} [callback] callback(dict, node) is called for every node, in order to allow modifications.
* Return `false` to ignore this node or "skip" to include this node without its children.
* @returns {Array | object}
* @see FancytreeNode#toDict
toDict: function (includeRoot, callback) {
var res = this.rootNode.toDict(true, callback);
return includeRoot ? res : res.children;
/* Implicitly called for string conversions.
* @returns {string}
toString: function () {
return "Fancytree@" + this._id;
// return "<Fancytree(#" + this._id + ")>";
/* _trigger a widget event with additional node ctx.
* @see EventData
_triggerNodeEvent: function (type, node, originalEvent, extra) {
// this.debug("_trigger(" + type + "): '" + ctx.node.title + "'", ctx);
var ctx = this._makeHookContext(node, originalEvent, extra),
res = this.widget._trigger(type, originalEvent, ctx);
if (res !== false && ctx.result !== undefined) {
return ctx.result;
return res;
/* _trigger a widget event with additional tree data. */
_triggerTreeEvent: function (type, originalEvent, extra) {
// this.debug("_trigger(" + type + ")", ctx);
var ctx = this._makeHookContext(this, originalEvent, extra),
res = this.widget._trigger(type, originalEvent, ctx);
if (res !== false && ctx.result !== undefined) {
return ctx.result;
return res;
/** Call fn(node) for all nodes in hierarchical order (depth-first).
* @param {function} fn the callback function.
* Return false to stop iteration, return "skip" to skip this node and children only.
* @returns {boolean} false, if the iterator was stopped.
visit: function (fn) {
return this.rootNode.visit(fn, false);
/** Call fn(node) for all nodes in vertical order, top down (or bottom up).<br>
* Stop iteration, if fn() returns false.<br>
* Return false if iteration was stopped.
* @param {function} fn the callback function.
* Return false to stop iteration, return "skip" to skip this node and children only.
* @param {object} [options]
* Defaults:
* {start: First top node, reverse: false, includeSelf: true, includeHidden: false}
* @returns {boolean} false if iteration was cancelled
* @since 2.28
visitRows: function (fn, opts) {
if (!this.rootNode.hasChildren()) {
return false;
if (opts && opts.reverse) {
delete opts.reverse;
return this._visitRowsUp(fn, opts);
opts = opts || {};
var i,
siblingOfs = 0,
skipFirstNode = opts.includeSelf === false,
includeHidden = !!opts.includeHidden,
checkFilter = !includeHidden && this.enableFilter,
node = opts.start || this.rootNode.children[0];
parent = node.parent;
while (parent) {
// visit siblings
siblings = parent.children;
nextIdx = siblings.indexOf(node) + siblingOfs;
nextIdx >= 0,
"Could not find " +
node +
" in parent's children: " +
for (i = nextIdx; i < siblings.length; i++) {
node = siblings[i];
if (checkFilter && !node.match && !node.subMatchCount) {
if (!skipFirstNode && fn(node) === false) {
return false;
skipFirstNode = false;
// Dive into node's child nodes
if (
node.children &&
node.children.length &&
(includeHidden || node.expanded)
) {
// Disable warning: Functions declared within loops referencing an outer
// scoped variable may lead to confusing semantics:
/*jshint -W083 */
res = node.visit(function (n) {
if (checkFilter && !n.match && !n.subMatchCount) {
return "skip";
if (fn(n) === false) {
return false;
if (!includeHidden && n.children && !n.expanded) {
return "skip";
}, false);
/*jshint +W083 */
if (res === false) {
return false;
// Visit parent nodes (bottom up)
node = parent;
parent = parent.parent;
siblingOfs = 1; //
return true;
/* Call fn(node) for all nodes in vertical order, bottom up.
_visitRowsUp: function (fn, opts) {
var children,
includeHidden = !!opts.includeHidden,
node = opts.start || this.rootNode.children[0];
while (true) {
parent = node.parent;
children = parent.children;
if (children[0] === node) {
// If this is already the first sibling, goto parent
node = parent;
if (!node.parent) {
break; // first node of the tree
children = parent.children;
} else {
// Otherwise, goto prev. sibling
idx = children.indexOf(node);
node = children[idx - 1];
// If the prev. sibling has children, follow down to last descendant
while (
// See:
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unmodified-loop-condition
(includeHidden || node.expanded) &&
node.children &&
) {
children = node.children;
parent = node;
node = children[children.length - 1];
// Skip invisible
if (!includeHidden && !node.isVisible()) {
if (fn(node) === false) {
return false;
/** Write warning to browser console if debugLevel >= 2 (prepending tree info)
* @param {*} msg string or object or array of such
warn: function (msg) {
if (this.options.debugLevel >= 2) {, this.toString());
consoleApply("warn", arguments);
* These additional methods of the {@link Fancytree} class are 'hook functions'
* that can be used and overloaded by extensions.
* @see [writing extensions](
* @mixin Fancytree_Hooks
/** @lends Fancytree_Hooks# */
/** Default handling for mouse click events.
* @param {EventData} ctx
nodeClick: function (ctx) {
var activate,
// event = ctx.originalEvent,
targetType = ctx.targetType,
node = ctx.node;
// this.debug("ftnode.onClick(" + event.type + "): ftnode:" + this + ", button:" + event.button + ", which: " + event.which, ctx);
// TODO: use switch
// TODO: make sure clicks on embedded <input> doesn't steal focus (see table sample)
if (targetType === "expander") {
if (node.isLoading()) {
// #495: we probably got a click event while a lazy load is pending.
// The 'expanded' state is not yet set, so 'toggle' would expand
// and trigger lazyLoad again.
// It would be better to allow to collapse/expand the status node
// while loading (instead of ignoring), but that would require some
// more work.
node.debug("Got 2nd click while loading: ignored");
// Clicking the expander icon always expands/collapses
this._callHook("nodeToggleExpanded", ctx);
} else if (targetType === "checkbox") {
// Clicking the checkbox always (de)selects
this._callHook("nodeToggleSelected", ctx);
if (ctx.options.focusOnSelect) {
// #358
this._callHook("nodeSetFocus", ctx, true);
} else {
// Honor `clickFolderMode` for
expand = false;
activate = true;
if (node.folder) {
switch (ctx.options.clickFolderMode) {
case 2: // expand only
expand = true;
activate = false;
case 3: // expand and activate
activate = true;
expand = true; //!node.isExpanded();
// else 1 or 4: just activate
if (activate) {
this._callHook("nodeSetActive", ctx, true);
if (expand) {
if (!activate) {
// this._callHook("nodeSetFocus", ctx);
// this._callHook("nodeSetExpanded", ctx, true);
this._callHook("nodeToggleExpanded", ctx);
// Make sure that clicks stop, otherwise <a href='#'> jumps to the top
// if( === "a" && === "fancytree-title"){
// event.preventDefault();
// }
// TODO: return promise?
/** Collapse all other children of same parent.
* @param {EventData} ctx
* @param {object} callOpts
nodeCollapseSiblings: function (ctx, callOpts) {
// TODO: return promise?
var ac,
node = ctx.node;
if (node.parent) {
ac = node.parent.children;
for (i = 0, l = ac.length; i < l; i++) {
if (ac[i] !== node && ac[i].expanded) {
/** Default handling for mouse douleclick events.
* @param {EventData} ctx
nodeDblclick: function (ctx) {
// TODO: return promise?
if (
ctx.targetType === "title" &&
ctx.options.clickFolderMode === 4
) {
// this.nodeSetFocus(ctx);
// this._callHook("nodeSetActive", ctx, true);
this._callHook("nodeToggleExpanded", ctx);
// TODO: prevent text selection on dblclicks
if (ctx.targetType === "title") {
/** Default handling for mouse keydown events.
* NOTE: this may be called with node == null if tree (but no node) has focus.
* @param {EventData} ctx
nodeKeydown: function (ctx) {
// TODO: return promise?
var matchNode,
event = ctx.originalEvent,
node = ctx.node,
tree = ctx.tree,
opts = ctx.options,
which = event.which,
// #909: Use event.key, to get unicode characters.
// We can't use `/\w/.test(key)`, because that would
// only detect plain ascii alpha-numerics. But we still need
// to ignore modifier-only, whitespace, cursor-keys, etc.
key = event.key || String.fromCharCode(which),
specialModifiers = !!(
event.altKey ||
event.ctrlKey ||
isAlnum =
!MODIFIERS[which] &&
$target = $(,
handled = true,
activate = !(event.ctrlKey || !opts.autoActivate);
// (node || FT).debug("ftnode.nodeKeydown(" + event.type + "): ftnode:" + this + ", charCode:" + event.charCode + ", keyCode: " + event.keyCode + ", which: " + event.which);
// FT.debug( "eventToString(): " + FT.eventToString(event) + ", key='" + key + "', isAlnum: " + isAlnum );
// Set focus to active (or first node) if no other node has the focus yet
if (!node) {
focusNode = this.getActiveNode() || this.getFirstChild();
if (focusNode) {
node = ctx.node = this.focusNode;
node.debug("Keydown force focus on active node");
if (
opts.quicksearch &&
isAlnum &&
) {
// Allow to search for longer streaks if typed in quickly
stamp =;
if (stamp - tree.lastQuicksearchTime > 500) {
tree.lastQuicksearchTerm = "";
tree.lastQuicksearchTime = stamp;
tree.lastQuicksearchTerm += key;
// tree.debug("quicksearch find", tree.lastQuicksearchTerm);
matchNode = tree.findNextNode(
if (matchNode) {
switch (FT.eventToString(event)) {
case "+":
case "=": // 187: '+' @ Chrome, Safari
tree.nodeSetExpanded(ctx, true);
case "-":
tree.nodeSetExpanded(ctx, false);
case "space":
if (node.isPagingNode()) {
tree._triggerNodeEvent("clickPaging", ctx, event);
} else if (
FT.evalOption("checkbox", node, node, opts, false)
) {
// #768
} else {
tree.nodeSetActive(ctx, true);
case "return":
tree.nodeSetActive(ctx, true);
case "home":
case "end":
case "backspace":
case "left":
case "right":
case "up":
case "down":
_res = node.navigate(event.which, activate);
handled = false;
if (handled) {
// /** Default handling for mouse keypress events. */
// nodeKeypress: function(ctx) {
// var event = ctx.originalEvent;
// },
// /** Trigger lazyLoad event (async). */
// nodeLazyLoad: function(ctx) {
// var node = ctx.node;
// if(this._triggerNodeEvent())
// },
/** Load child nodes (async).
* @param {EventData} ctx
* @param {object[]|object|string|$.Promise|function} source
* @returns {$.Promise} The deferred will be resolved as soon as the (ajax)
* data was rendered.
nodeLoadChildren: function (ctx, source) {
var ajax,
ajaxDfd = null,
isAsync = true,
tree = ctx.tree,
node = ctx.node,
nodePrevParent = node.parent,
tag = "nodeLoadChildren",
requestId =;
// `source` is a callback: use the returned result instead:
if (_isFunction(source)) {
source =, { type: "source" }, ctx);
"source callback must not return another function"
// `source` is already a promise:
if (_isFunction(source.then)) {
// _assert(_isFunction(source.always), "Expected jQuery?");
ajaxDfd = source;
} else if (source.url) {
// `source` is an Ajax options object
ajax = $.extend({}, ctx.options.ajax, source);
if (ajax.debugDelay) {
// Simulate a slow server
delay = ajax.debugDelay;
delete ajax.debugDelay; // remove debug option
if (_isArray(delay)) {
// random delay range [min..max]
delay =
delay[0] +
Math.random() * (delay[1] - delay[0]);
"nodeLoadChildren waiting debugDelay " +
Math.round(delay) +
" ms ..."
ajaxDfd = $.Deferred(function (ajaxDfd) {
setTimeout(function () {
.done(function () {
ajaxDfd.resolveWith(this, arguments);
.fail(function () {
ajaxDfd.rejectWith(this, arguments);
}, delay);
} else {
ajaxDfd = $.ajax(ajax);
} else if ($.isPlainObject(source) || _isArray(source)) {
// `source` is already a constant dict or list, but we convert
// to a thenable for unified processing.
// 2020-01-03: refactored.
// `ajaxDfd = $.when(source)` would do the trick, but the returned
// promise will resolve async, which broke some tests and
// would probably also break current implementations out there.
// So we mock-up a thenable that resolves synchronously:
ajaxDfd = {
then: function (resolve, reject) {
resolve(source, null, null);
isAsync = false;
} else {
$.error("Invalid source type: " + source);
// Check for overlapping requests
if (node._requestId) {
"Recursive load request #" +
requestId +
" while #" +
node._requestId +
" is pending."
node._requestId = requestId;
// node.debug("Send load request #" + requestId);
if (isAsync) {
tree.nodeSetStatus(ctx, "loading");
// The async Ajax request has now started...
// Defer the deferred:
// we want to be able to reject invalid responses, even if
// the raw HTTP Ajax XHR resolved as Ok.
// We use the ajaxDfd.then() syntax here, which is compatible with
// jQuery and ECMA6.
// However resultDfd is a jQuery deferred, which is currently the
// expected result type of nodeLoadChildren()
resultDfd = new $.Deferred();
function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// ajaxDfd was resolved, but we reject or resolve resultDfd
// depending on the response data
var errorObj, res;
if (
(source.dataType === "json" ||
source.dataType === "jsonp") &&
typeof data === "string"
) {
"Ajax request returned a string (did you get the JSON dataType wrong?)."
if (node._requestId && node._requestId > requestId) {
// The expected request time stamp is later than `requestId`
// (which was kept as as closure variable to this handler function)
// node.warn("Ignored load response for obsolete request #" + requestId + " (expected #" + node._requestId + ")");
resultDfd.rejectWith(this, [
// } else {
// node.debug("Response returned for load request #" + requestId);
if (node.parent === null && nodePrevParent !== null) {
resultDfd.rejectWith(this, [
// Allow to adjust the received response data in the `postProcess` event.
if (ctx.options.postProcess) {
// The handler may either
// - modify `ctx.response` in-place (and leave `ctx.result` undefined)
// => res = undefined
// - return a replacement in `ctx.result`
// => res = <new data>
// If res contains an `error` property, an error status is displayed
try {
res = tree._triggerNodeEvent(
response: data,
error: null,
dataType: source.dataType,
if (res.error) {
"postProcess returned error:",
} catch (e) {
res = {
error: e,
message: "" + e,
details: "postProcess failed",
if (res.error) {
// Either postProcess failed with an exception, or the returned
// result object has an 'error' property attached:
errorObj = $.isPlainObject(res.error)
? res.error
: { message: res.error };
errorObj = tree._makeHookContext(
resultDfd.rejectWith(this, [errorObj]);
if (
_isArray(res) ||
($.isPlainObject(res) && _isArray(res.children))
) {
// Use `ctx.result` if valid
// (otherwise use existing data, which may have been modified in-place)
data = res;
} else if (
data &&
_hasProp(data, "d") &&
) {
// Process ASPX WebMethod JSON object inside "d" property
// (only if no postProcess event was defined)
if (ctx.options.enableAspx === 42) {
"The default for enableAspx will change to `false` in the fututure. " +
"Pass `enableAspx: true` or implement postProcess to silence this warning."
data =
typeof data.d === "string"
? $.parseJSON(data.d)
: data.d;
resultDfd.resolveWith(this, [data]);
function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// ajaxDfd was rejected, so we reject resultDfd as well
var errorObj = tree._makeHookContext(node, null, {
error: jqXHR,
message: errorThrown,
details: jqXHR.status + ": " + errorThrown,
resultDfd.rejectWith(this, [errorObj]);
// The async Ajax request has now started.
// resultDfd will be resolved/rejected after the response arrived,
// was postProcessed, and checked.
// Now we implement the UI update and add the data to the tree.
// We also return this promise to the caller.
.done(function (data) {
tree.nodeSetStatus(ctx, "ok");
var children, metaData, noDataRes;
if ($.isPlainObject(data)) {
// We got {foo: 'abc', children: [...]}
// Copy extra properties to
"source may only be an object for root nodes (expecting an array of child objects otherwise)"
"if an object is passed as source, it must contain a 'children' array (all other properties are added to '')"
metaData = data;
children = data.children;
delete metaData.children;
// Copy some attributes to
$.each(TREE_ATTRS, function (i, attr) {
if (metaData[attr] !== undefined) {
tree[attr] = metaData[attr];
delete metaData[attr];
// Copy all other attributes to
$.extend(, metaData);
} else {
children = data;
"expected array of children"
if (tree.options.nodata && children.length === 0) {
if (_isFunction(tree.options.nodata)) {
noDataRes =
{ type: "nodata" },
} else if (
tree.options.nodata === true &&
) {
noDataRes = tree.options.strings.noData;
} else if (
typeof tree.options.nodata === "string" &&
) {
noDataRes = tree.options.nodata;
if (noDataRes) {
node.setStatus("nodata", noDataRes);
// trigger fancytreeloadchildren
tree._triggerNodeEvent("loadChildren", node);
.fail(function (error) {
var ctxErr;
"Ignored response for obsolete load request #" +
requestId +
" (expected #" +
node._requestId +
} else if (error === INVALID_REQUEST_TARGET_ERROR) {
"Lazy parent node was removed while loading: discarding response."
} else if (error.node && error.error && error.message) {
// error is already a context object
ctxErr = error;
} else {
ctxErr = tree._makeHookContext(node, null, {
error: error, // it can be jqXHR or any custom error
message: error
? error.message || error.toString()
: "",
if (ctxErr.message === "[object Object]") {
ctxErr.message = "";
"Load children failed (" + ctxErr.message + ")",
if (
) !== false
) {
.always(function () {
node._requestId = null;
if (isAsync) {
return resultDfd.promise();
/** [Not Implemented] */
nodeLoadKeyPath: function (ctx, keyPathList) {
// TODO: implement and improve
* Remove a single direct child of ctx.node.
* @param {EventData} ctx
* @param {FancytreeNode} childNode dircect child of ctx.node
nodeRemoveChild: function (ctx, childNode) {
var idx,
node = ctx.node,
// opts = ctx.options,
subCtx = $.extend({}, ctx, { node: childNode }),
children = node.children;
// FT.debug("nodeRemoveChild()", node.toString(), childNode.toString());
if (children.length === 1) {
_assert(childNode === children[0], "invalid single child");
return this.nodeRemoveChildren(ctx);
if (
this.activeNode &&
(childNode === this.activeNode ||
) {
this.activeNode.setActive(false); // TODO: don't fire events
if (
this.focusNode &&
(childNode === this.focusNode ||
) {
this.focusNode = null;
// TODO: persist must take care to clear select and expand cookies
idx = $.inArray(childNode, children);
_assert(idx >= 0, "invalid child");
// Notify listeners
node.triggerModifyChild("remove", childNode);
// Unlink to support GC
childNode.visit(function (n) {
n.parent = null;
}, true);
this._callHook("treeRegisterNode", this, false, childNode);
// remove from child list
children.splice(idx, 1);
/**Remove HTML markup for all descendents of ctx.node.
* @param {EventData} ctx
nodeRemoveChildMarkup: function (ctx) {
var node = ctx.node;
// FT.debug("nodeRemoveChildMarkup()", node.toString());
// TODO: Unlink attr.ftnode to support GC
if (node.ul) {
if (node.isRootNode()) {
} else {
node.ul = null;
node.visit(function (n) { = n.ul = null;
/**Remove all descendants of ctx.node.
* @param {EventData} ctx
nodeRemoveChildren: function (ctx) {
var //subCtx,
tree = ctx.tree,
node = ctx.node,
children = node.children;
// opts = ctx.options;
// FT.debug("nodeRemoveChildren()", node.toString());
if (!children) {
if (this.activeNode && this.activeNode.isDescendantOf(node)) {
this.activeNode.setActive(false); // TODO: don't fire events
if (this.focusNode && this.focusNode.isDescendantOf(node)) {
this.focusNode = null;
// TODO: persist must take care to clear select and expand cookies
// Unlink children to support GC
// TODO: also delete this.children (not possible using visit())
// subCtx = $.extend({}, ctx);
node.triggerModifyChild("remove", null);
node.visit(function (n) {
n.parent = null;
tree._callHook("treeRegisterNode", tree, false, n);
if (node.lazy) {
// 'undefined' would be interpreted as 'not yet loaded' for lazy nodes
node.children = [];
} else {
node.children = null;
if (!node.isRootNode()) {
node.expanded = false; // #449, #459
/**Remove HTML markup for ctx.node and all its descendents.
* @param {EventData} ctx
nodeRemoveMarkup: function (ctx) {
var node = ctx.node;
// FT.debug("nodeRemoveMarkup()", node.toString());
// TODO: Unlink attr.ftnode to support GC
if ( {
$(; = null;
* Create `<li><span>..</span> .. </li>` tags for this node.
* This method takes care that all HTML markup is created that is required
* to display this node in its current state.
* Call this method to create new nodes, or after the strucuture
* was changed (e.g. after moving this node or adding/removing children)
* nodeRenderTitle() and nodeRenderStatus() are implied.
* ```html
* <li id='KEY' ftnode=NODE>
* <span class='fancytree-node fancytree-expanded fancytree-has-children fancytree-lastsib fancytree-exp-el fancytree-ico-e'>
* <span class="fancytree-expander"></span>
* <span class="fancytree-checkbox"></span> // only present in checkbox mode
* <span class="fancytree-icon"></span>
* <a href="#" class="fancytree-title"> Node 1 </a>
* </span>
* <ul> // only present if node has children
* <li id='KEY' ftnode=NODE> child1 ... </li>
* <li id='KEY' ftnode=NODE> child2 ... </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* ```
* @param {EventData} ctx
* @param {boolean} [force=false] re-render, even if html markup was already created
* @param {boolean} [deep=false] also render all descendants, even if parent is collapsed
* @param {boolean} [collapsed=false] force root node to be collapsed, so we can apply animated expand later
nodeRender: function (ctx, force, deep, collapsed, _recursive) {
/* This method must take care of all cases where the current data mode
* (i.e. node hierarchy) does not match the current markup.
* - node was not yet rendered:
* create markup
* - node was rendered: exit fast
* - children have been added
* - children have been removed
var childLI,
node = ctx.node,
tree = ctx.tree,
opts = ctx.options,
aria = opts.aria,
firstTime = false,
parent = node.parent,
isRootNode = !parent,
children = node.children,
successorLi = null;
// FT.debug("nodeRender(" + !!force + ", " + !!deep + ")", node.toString());
if (tree._enableUpdate === false) {
// tree.debug("no render", tree._enableUpdate);
if (!isRootNode && !parent.ul) {
// Calling node.collapse on a deep, unrendered node
_assert(isRootNode || parent.ul, "parent UL must exist");
// Render the node
if (!isRootNode) {
// Discard markup on force-mode, or if it is not linked to parent <ul>
if ( &&
(force || !== node.parent.ul)
) {
if ( === node.parent.ul) {
// #486: store following node, so we can insert the new markup there later
successorLi =;
} else {
// May happen, when a top-level node was dropped over another
"Unlinking " +
node +
" (must be child of " +
node.parent +
// this.debug("nodeRemoveMarkup...");
// Create <li><span /> </li>
// node.debug("render...");
if ( {
// this.nodeRenderTitle(ctx);
} else {
// node.debug("render... really");
firstTime = true; = document.createElement("li"); = node;
if (node.key && opts.generateIds) { = opts.idPrefix + node.key;
node.span = document.createElement("span");
node.span.className = "fancytree-node";
if (aria && ! {
$("role", "treeitem");
// Create inner HTML for the <span> (expander, checkbox, icon, and title)
// Allow tweaking and binding, after node was created for the first time
if (opts.createNode) {
{ type: "createNode" },
// Allow tweaking after node state was rendered
if (opts.renderNode) {, { type: "renderNode" }, ctx);
// Visit child nodes
if (children) {
if (isRootNode || node.expanded || deep === true) {
// Create a UL to hold the children
if (!node.ul) {
node.ul = document.createElement("ul");
if (
(collapsed === true && !_recursive) ||
) {
// hide top UL, so we can use an animation to show it later = "none";
if (aria) {
$(node.ul).attr("role", "group");
if ( {
// issue #67;
} else {
// Add child markup
for (i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
subCtx = $.extend({}, ctx, { node: children[i] });
this.nodeRender(subCtx, force, deep, false, true);
// Remove <li> if nodes have moved to another parent
childLI = node.ul.firstChild;
while (childLI) {
childNode2 = childLI.ftnode;
if (childNode2 && childNode2.parent !== node) {
"_fixParent: remove missing " + childNode2,
next = childLI.nextSibling;
childLI = next;
} else {
childLI = childLI.nextSibling;
// Make sure, that <li> order matches node.children order.
childLI = node.ul.firstChild;
for (i = 0, l = children.length - 1; i < l; i++) {
childNode1 = children[i];
childNode2 = childLI.ftnode;
if (childNode1 === childNode2) {
childLI = childLI.nextSibling;
} else {
// node.debug("_fixOrder: mismatch at index " + i + ": " + childNode1 + " != " + childNode2);
} else {
// No children: remove markup if any
if (node.ul) {
// alert("remove child markup for " + node);
this.warn("remove child markup for " + node);
if (!isRootNode) {
// Update element classes according to node state
// this.nodeRenderStatus(ctx);
// Finally add the whole structure to the DOM, so the browser can render
if (firstTime) {
// #486: successorLi is set, if we re-rendered (i.e. discarded)
// existing markup, which we want to insert at the same position.
// (null is equivalent to append)
// parent.ul.appendChild(;
parent.ul.insertBefore(, successorLi);
/** Create HTML inside the node's outer `<span>` (i.e. expander, checkbox,
* icon, and title).
* nodeRenderStatus() is implied.
* @param {EventData} ctx
* @param {string} [title] optinal new title
nodeRenderTitle: function (ctx, title) {
// set node connector images, links and text
var checkbox,
node = ctx.node,
tree = ctx.tree,
opts = ctx.options,
aria = opts.aria,
level = node.getLevel(),
ares = [];
if (title !== undefined) {
node.title = title;
if (!node.span || tree._enableUpdate === false) {
// Silently bail out if node was not rendered yet, assuming
// node.render() will be called as the node becomes visible
// Connector (expanded, expandable or simple)
role =
aria && node.hasChildren() !== false
? " role='button'"
: "";
if (level < opts.minExpandLevel) {
if (!node.lazy) {
node.expanded = true;
if (level > 1) {
"<span " +
role +
" class='fancytree-expander fancytree-expander-fixed'></span>"
// .. else (i.e. for root level) skip expander/connector alltogether
} else {
"<span " + role + " class='fancytree-expander'></span>"
// Checkbox mode
checkbox = FT.evalOption("checkbox", node, node, opts, false);
if (checkbox && !node.isStatusNode()) {
role = aria ? " role='checkbox'" : "";
className = "fancytree-checkbox";
if (
checkbox === "radio" ||
(node.parent && node.parent.radiogroup)
) {
className += " fancytree-radio";
"<span " + role + " class='" + className + "'></span>"
// Folder or doctype icon
if ( !== undefined) {
// 2015-11-16
// Handle / warn about backward compatibility
if (node.icon) {
"'iconClass' node option is deprecated since v2.14.0: use 'icon' only instead"
} else {
"'iconClass' node option is deprecated since v2.14.0: use 'icon' instead"
node.icon =;
// If opts.icon is a callback and returns something other than undefined, use that
// else if node.icon is a boolean or string, use that
// else if opts.icon is a boolean or string, use that
// else show standard icon (which may be different for folders or documents)
icon = FT.evalOption("icon", node, node, opts, true);
// if( typeof icon !== "boolean" ) {
// // icon is defined, but not true/false: must be a string
// icon = "" + icon;
// }
if (icon !== false) {
role = aria ? " role='presentation'" : "";
iconTooltip = FT.evalOption(
iconTooltip = iconTooltip
? " title='" + _escapeTooltip(iconTooltip) + "'"
: "";
if (typeof icon === "string") {
if (TEST_IMG.test(icon)) {
// node.icon is an image url. Prepend imagePath
icon =
icon.charAt(0) === "/"
? icon
: (opts.imagePath || "") + icon;
"<img src='" +
icon +
"' class='fancytree-icon'" +
iconTooltip +
" alt='' />"
} else {
"<span " +
role +
" class='fancytree-custom-icon " +
icon +
"'" +
iconTooltip +
} else if (icon.text) {
"<span " +
role +
" class='fancytree-custom-icon " +
(icon.addClass || "") +
"'" +
iconTooltip +
">" +
FT.escapeHtml(icon.text) +
} else if (icon.html) {
"<span " +
role +
" class='fancytree-custom-icon " +
(icon.addClass || "") +
"'" +
iconTooltip +
">" +
icon.html +
} else {
// standard icon: theme css will take care of this
"<span " +
role +
" class='fancytree-icon'" +
iconTooltip +
// Node title
nodeTitle = "";
if (opts.renderTitle) {
nodeTitle =
{ type: "renderTitle" },
) || "";
if (!nodeTitle) {
tooltip = FT.evalOption("tooltip", node, node, opts, null);
if (tooltip === true) {
tooltip = node.title;
// if( node.tooltip ) {
// tooltip = node.tooltip;
// } else if ( opts.tooltip ) {
// tooltip = opts.tooltip === true ? node.title :, node);
// }
tooltip = tooltip
? " title='" + _escapeTooltip(tooltip) + "'"
: "";
tabindex = opts.titlesTabbable ? " tabindex='0'" : "";
nodeTitle =
"<span class='fancytree-title'" +
tooltip +
tabindex +
">" +
? FT.escapeHtml(node.title)
: node.title) +
// Note: this will trigger focusout, if node had the focus
//$(node.span).html(ares.join("")); // it will cleanup the jQuery data currently associated with SPAN (if any), but it executes more slowly
node.span.innerHTML = ares.join("");
// Update CSS classes
if (opts.enhanceTitle) {
ctx.$title = $(">span.fancytree-title", node.span);
nodeTitle =
{ type: "enhanceTitle" },
) || "";
/** Update element classes according to node state.
* @param {EventData} ctx
nodeRenderStatus: function (ctx) {
// Set classes for current status
var $ariaElem,
node = ctx.node,
tree = ctx.tree,
opts = ctx.options,
// nodeContainer = node[tree.nodeContainerAttrName],
hasChildren = node.hasChildren(),
isLastSib = node.isLastSibling(),
aria = opts.aria,
cn = opts._classNames,
cnList = [],
statusElem = node[tree.statusClassPropName];
if (!statusElem || tree._enableUpdate === false) {
// if this function is called for an unrendered node, ignore it (will be updated on nect render anyway)
if (aria) {
$ariaElem = $( ||;
// Build a list of class names that we will add to the node <span>
if (tree.activeNode === node) {
// $(">span.fancytree-title", statusElem).attr("tabindex", "0");
// tree.$container.removeAttr("tabindex");
// }else{
// $(">span.fancytree-title", statusElem).removeAttr("tabindex");
// tree.$container.attr("tabindex", "0");
if (tree.focusNode === node) {
if (node.expanded) {
if (aria) {
if (hasChildren === false) {
} else {
$ariaElem.attr("aria-expanded", Boolean(node.expanded));
if (node.folder) {
if (hasChildren !== false) {
// TODO: required?
if (isLastSib) {
if (node.lazy && node.children == null) {
if (node.partload) {
if (node.partsel) {
if (FT.evalOption("unselectable", node, node, opts, false)) {
if (node._isLoading) {
if (node._error) {
if (node.statusNodeType) {
cnList.push(cn.statusNodePrefix + node.statusNodeType);
if (node.selected) {
if (aria) {
$ariaElem.attr("aria-selected", true);
} else if (aria) {
$ariaElem.attr("aria-selected", false);
if (node.extraClasses) {
// IE6 doesn't correctly evaluate multiple class names,
// so we create combined class names that can be used in the CSS
if (hasChildren === false) {
cn.combinedExpanderPrefix + "n" + (isLastSib ? "l" : "")
} else {
cn.combinedExpanderPrefix +
(node.expanded ? "e" : "c") +
(node.lazy && node.children == null ? "d" : "") +
(isLastSib ? "l" : "")
cn.combinedIconPrefix +
(node.expanded ? "e" : "c") +
(node.folder ? "f" : "")
// node.span.className = cnList.join(" ");
statusElem.className = cnList.join(" ");
// TODO: we should not set this in the <span> tag also, if we set it here:
// Maybe most (all) of the classes should be set in LI instead of SPAN?
if ( {
// #719: we have to consider that there may be already other classes:
$(, isLastSib);
/** Activate node.
* flag defaults to true.
* If flag is true, the node is activated (must be a synchronous operation)
* If flag is false, the node is deactivated (must be a synchronous operation)
* @param {EventData} ctx
* @param {boolean} [flag=true]
* @param {object} [opts] additional options. Defaults to {noEvents: false, noFocus: false}
* @returns {$.Promise}
nodeSetActive: function (ctx, flag, callOpts) {
// Handle user click / [space] / [enter], according to clickFolderMode.
callOpts = callOpts || {};
var subCtx,
node = ctx.node,
tree = ctx.tree,
opts = ctx.options,
noEvents = callOpts.noEvents === true,
noFocus = callOpts.noFocus === true,
scroll = callOpts.scrollIntoView !== false,
isActive = node === tree.activeNode;
// flag defaults to true
flag = flag !== false;
// node.debug("nodeSetActive", flag);
if (isActive === flag) {
// Nothing to do
return _getResolvedPromise(node);
// #1042: don't scroll between mousedown/-up when clicking an embedded link
if (
scroll &&
ctx.originalEvent &&
) {"Not scrolling while clicking an embedded link.");
scroll = false;
if (
flag &&
!noEvents &&
) === false
) {
// Callback returned false
return _getRejectedPromise(node, ["rejected"]);
if (flag) {
if (tree.activeNode) {
tree.activeNode !== node,
"node was active (inconsistency)"
subCtx = $.extend({}, ctx, { node: tree.activeNode });
tree.nodeSetActive(subCtx, false);
tree.activeNode === null,
"deactivate was out of sync?"
if (opts.activeVisible) {
// If no focus is set (noFocus: true) and there is no focused node, this node is made visible.
// scroll = noFocus && tree.focusNode == null;
// #863: scroll by default (unless `scrollIntoView: false` was passed)
node.makeVisible({ scrollIntoView: scroll });
tree.activeNode = node;
if (!noFocus) {
if (!noEvents) {
} else {
tree.activeNode === node,
"node was not active (inconsistency)"
tree.activeNode = null;
if (!noEvents) {
return _getResolvedPromise(node);
/** Expand or collapse node, return Deferred.promise.
* @param {EventData} ctx
* @param {boolean} [flag=true]
* @param {object} [opts] additional options. Defaults to `{noAnimation: false, noEvents: false}`
* @returns {$.Promise} The deferred will be resolved as soon as the (lazy)
* data was retrieved, rendered, and the expand animation finished.
nodeSetExpanded: function (ctx, flag, callOpts) {
callOpts = callOpts || {};
var _afterLoad,
node = ctx.node,
tree = ctx.tree,
opts = ctx.options,
noAnimation = callOpts.noAnimation === true,
noEvents = callOpts.noEvents === true;
// flag defaults to true
flag = flag !== false;
// node.debug("nodeSetExpanded(" + flag + ")");
if ($( {
"setExpanded(" + flag + ") while animating: ignored."
return _getRejectedPromise(node, ["recursion"]);
if ((node.expanded && flag) || (!node.expanded && !flag)) {
// Nothing to do
// node.debug("nodeSetExpanded(" + flag + "): nothing to do");
return _getResolvedPromise(node);
} else if (flag && !node.lazy && !node.hasChildren()) {
// Prevent expanding of empty nodes
// return _getRejectedPromise(node, ["empty"]);
return _getResolvedPromise(node);
} else if (!flag && node.getLevel() < opts.minExpandLevel) {
// Prevent collapsing locked levels
return _getRejectedPromise(node, ["locked"]);
} else if (
!noEvents &&
) === false
) {
// Callback returned false
return _getRejectedPromise(node, ["rejected"]);
// If this node inside a collpased node, no animation and scrolling is needed
if (!noAnimation && !node.isVisible()) {
noAnimation = callOpts.noAnimation = true;
dfd = new $.Deferred();
// Auto-collapse mode: collapse all siblings
if (flag && !node.expanded && opts.autoCollapse) {
parents = node.getParentList(false, true);
prevAC = opts.autoCollapse;
try {
opts.autoCollapse = false;
for (i = 0, l = parents.length; i < l; i++) {
// TODO: should return promise?
} finally {
opts.autoCollapse = prevAC;
// Trigger expand/collapse after expanding
dfd.done(function () {
var lastChild = node.getLastChild();
if (
flag &&
opts.autoScroll &&
!noAnimation &&
lastChild &&
) {
// Scroll down to last child, but keep current node visible
.scrollIntoView(true, { topNode: node })
.always(function () {
if (!noEvents) {
flag ? "expand" : "collapse",
} else {
if (!noEvents) {
flag ? "expand" : "collapse",
// vvv Code below is executed after loading finished:
_afterLoad = function (callback) {
var cn = opts._classNames,
effect = opts.toggleEffect;
node.expanded = flag;
flag ? "expand" : "collapse"
// Create required markup, but make sure the top UL is hidden, so we
// can animate later
tree._callHook("nodeRender", ctx, false, false, true);
// Hide children, if node is collapsed
if (node.ul) {
isVisible = !== "none";
isExpanded = !!node.expanded;
if (isVisible === isExpanded) {
"nodeSetExpanded: already set"
} else if (!effect || noAnimation) { =
node.expanded || !parent ? "" : "none";
} else {
// The UI toggle() effect works with the ext-wide extension,
// while jQuery.animate() has problems when the title span
// has position: absolute.
// Since jQuery UI 1.12, the blind effect requires the parent
// element to have 'position: relative'.
// See #716, #717
$(; // #717
if (_isFunction($(node.ul)[effect.effect])) {
// tree.debug( "use jquery." + effect.effect + " method" );
duration: effect.duration,
always: function () {
// node.debug("fancytree-animating end: " +;
$(this).removeClass(cn.animating); // #716
$(; // #717
} else {
// The UI toggle() effect works with the ext-wide extension,
// while jQuery.animate() has problems when the title span
// has positon: absolute.
// Since jQuery UI 1.12, the blind effect requires the parent
// element to have 'position: relative'.
// See #716, #717
// tree.debug("use specified effect (" + effect.effect + ") with the jqueryui.toggle method");
// try to stop an animation that might be already in progress
$(node.ul).stop(true, true); //< does not work after resetLazy has been called for a node whose animation wasn't complete and effect was "blind"
// dirty fix to remove a defunct animation (effect: "blind") after resetLazy has been called
function () {
// node.debug("fancytree-animating end: " +;
$(this).removeClass(cn.animating); // #716
$(; // #717
// ^^^ Code above is executed after loading finshed.
// Load lazy nodes, if any. Then continue with _afterLoad()
if (flag && node.lazy && node.hasChildren() === undefined) {
// node.debug("nodeSetExpanded: load start...");
.done(function () {
// node.debug("nodeSetExpanded: load done");
if (dfd.notifyWith) {
// requires jQuery 1.6+
dfd.notifyWith(node, ["loaded"]);
_afterLoad(function () {
.fail(function (errMsg) {
_afterLoad(function () {
dfd.rejectWith(node, [
"load failed (" + errMsg + ")",
var source = tree._triggerNodeEvent("lazyLoad", node, ctx.originalEvent);
_assert(typeof source !== "boolean", "lazyLoad event must return source in data.result");
node.debug("nodeSetExpanded: load start...");
this._callHook("nodeLoadChildren", ctx, source).done(function(){
node.debug("nodeSetExpanded: load done");
if(dfd.notifyWith){ // requires jQuery 1.6+
dfd.notifyWith(node, ["loaded"]);
dfd.rejectWith(node, ["load failed (" + errMsg + ")"]);
} else {
_afterLoad(function () {
// node.debug("nodeSetExpanded: returns");
return dfd.promise();
/** Focus or blur this node.
* @param {EventData} ctx
* @param {boolean} [flag=true]
nodeSetFocus: function (ctx, flag) {
// ctx.node.debug("nodeSetFocus(" + flag + ")");
var ctx2,
tree = ctx.tree,
node = ctx.node,
opts = tree.options,
// et = ctx.originalEvent && ctx.originalEvent.type,
isInput = ctx.originalEvent
? $(":input")
: false;
flag = flag !== false;
// (node || tree).debug("nodeSetFocus(" + flag + "), event: " + et + ", isInput: "+ isInput);
// Blur previous node if any
if (tree.focusNode) {
if (tree.focusNode === node && flag) {
// node.debug("nodeSetFocus(" + flag + "): nothing to do");
ctx2 = $.extend({}, ctx, { node: tree.focusNode });
tree.focusNode = null;
this._triggerNodeEvent("blur", ctx2);
this._callHook("nodeRenderStatus", ctx2);
// Set focus to container and node
if (flag) {
if (!this.hasFocus()) {
node.debug("nodeSetFocus: forcing container focus");
this._callHook("treeSetFocus", ctx, true, {
calledByNode: true,
node.makeVisible({ scrollIntoView: false });
tree.focusNode = node;
if (opts.titlesTabbable) {
if (!isInput) {
// #621
if (opts.aria) {
// Set active descendant to node's span ID (create one, if needed)
$( ||
// "ftal_" + opts.idPrefix + node.key);
// $(node.span).find(".fancytree-title").focus();
this._triggerNodeEvent("focus", ctx);
// determine if we have focus on or inside tree container
var hasFancytreeFocus =
document.activeElement === tree.$container.get(0) ||
$(document.activeElement, tree.$container).length >= 1;
if (!hasFancytreeFocus) {
// We cannot set KB focus to a node, so use the tree container
// #563, #570: IE scrolls on every call to .focus(), if the container
// is partially outside the viewport. So do it only, when absolutely
// necessary.
// if( opts.autoActivate ){
// tree.nodeSetActive(ctx, true);
// }
if (opts.autoScroll) {
this._callHook("nodeRenderStatus", ctx);
/** (De)Select node, return new status (sync).
* @param {EventData} ctx
* @param {boolean} [flag=true]
* @param {object} [opts] additional options. Defaults to {noEvents: false,
* propagateDown: null, propagateUp: null,
* callback: null,
* }
* @returns {boolean} previous status
nodeSetSelected: function (ctx, flag, callOpts) {
callOpts = callOpts || {};
var node = ctx.node,
tree = ctx.tree,
opts = ctx.options,
noEvents = callOpts.noEvents === true,
parent = node.parent;
// flag defaults to true
flag = flag !== false;
// node.debug("nodeSetSelected(" + flag + ")", ctx);
// Cannot (de)select unselectable nodes directly (only by propagation or
// by setting the `.selected` property)
if (FT.evalOption("unselectable", node, node, opts, false)) {
// Remember the user's intent, in case down -> up propagation prevents
// applying it to node.selected
node._lastSelectIntent = flag; // Confusing use of '!'
// Nothing to do?
if (!!node.selected === flag) {
if (opts.selectMode === 3 && node.partsel && !flag) {
// If propagation prevented selecting this node last time, we still
// want to allow to apply setSelected(false) now
} else {
return flag;
if (
!noEvents &&
) === false
) {
return !!node.selected;
if (flag && opts.selectMode === 1) {
// single selection mode (we don't uncheck all tree nodes, for performance reasons)
if (tree.lastSelectedNode) {
node.selected = flag;
} else if (
opts.selectMode === 3 &&
parent &&
!parent.radiogroup &&
) {
// multi-hierarchical selection mode
node.selected = flag;
} else if (parent && parent.radiogroup) {
node.visitSiblings(function (n) {
n._changeSelectStatusAttrs(flag && n === node);
}, true);
} else {
// default: selectMode: 2, multi selection mode
node.selected = flag;
tree.lastSelectedNode = flag ? node : null;
if (!noEvents) {
tree._triggerNodeEvent("select", ctx);
/** Show node status (ok, loading, error, nodata) using styles and a dummy child node.
* @param {EventData} ctx
* @param status
* @param message
* @param details
* @since 2.3
nodeSetStatus: function (ctx, status, message, details) {
var node = ctx.node,
tree = ctx.tree;
function _clearStatusNode() {
// Remove dedicated dummy node, if any
var firstChild = node.children ? node.children[0] : null;
if (firstChild && firstChild.isStatusNode()) {
try {
// I've seen exceptions here with loadKeyPath...
if (node.ul) {
node.ul.removeChild(; = null; // avoid leaks (DT issue 215)
} catch (e) {}
if (node.children.length === 1) {
node.children = [];
} else {
function _setStatusNode(data, type) {
// Create/modify the dedicated dummy node for 'loading...' or
// 'error!' status. (only called for direct child of the invisible
// system root)
var firstChild = node.children ? node.children[0] : null;
if (firstChild && firstChild.isStatusNode()) {
$.extend(firstChild, data);
firstChild.statusNodeType = type;
tree._callHook("nodeRenderTitle", firstChild);
} else {
node.children[0].statusNodeType = type;
return node.children[0];
switch (status) {
case "ok":
node._isLoading = false;
node._error = null;
case "loading":
if (!node.parent) {
tree.options.strings.loading +
(message ? " (" + message + ")" : ""),
// icon: true, // needed for 'loding' icon
checkbox: false,
tooltip: details,
node._isLoading = true;
node._error = null;
case "error":
tree.options.strings.loadError +
(message ? " (" + message + ")" : ""),
// icon: false,
checkbox: false,
tooltip: details,
node._isLoading = false;
node._error = { message: message, details: details };
case "nodata":
title: message || tree.options.strings.noData,
// icon: false,
checkbox: false,
tooltip: details,
node._isLoading = false;
node._error = null;
$.error("invalid node status " + status);
* @param {EventData} ctx
nodeToggleExpanded: function (ctx) {
return this.nodeSetExpanded(ctx, !ctx.node.expanded);
* @param {EventData} ctx
nodeToggleSelected: function (ctx) {
var node = ctx.node,
flag = !node.selected;
// In selectMode: 3 this node may be unselected+partsel, even if
// setSelected(true) was called before, due to `unselectable` children.
// In this case, we now toggle as `setSelected(false)`
if (
node.partsel &&
!node.selected &&
node._lastSelectIntent === true
) {
flag = false;
node.selected = true; // so it is not considered 'nothing to do'
node._lastSelectIntent = flag;
return this.nodeSetSelected(ctx, flag);
/** Remove all nodes.
* @param {EventData} ctx
treeClear: function (ctx) {
var tree = ctx.tree;
tree.activeNode = null;
tree.focusNode = null;
// TODO: call destructors and remove reference loops
tree.rootNode.children = null;
tree._callHook("treeStructureChanged", ctx, "clear");
/** Widget was created (called only once, even it re-initialized).
* @param {EventData} ctx
treeCreate: function (ctx) {},
/** Widget was destroyed.
* @param {EventData} ctx
treeDestroy: function (ctx) {
if (this.$source) {
/** Widget was (re-)initialized.
* @param {EventData} ctx
treeInit: function (ctx) {
var tree = ctx.tree,
opts = tree.options;
// Add container to the TAB chain
// See
// #577: Allow to set tabindex to "0", "-1" and ""
tree.$container.attr("tabindex", opts.tabindex);
// Copy some attributes to
$.each(TREE_ATTRS, function (i, attr) {
if (opts[attr] !== undefined) {"Move option " + attr + " to tree");
tree[attr] = opts[attr];
delete opts[attr];
if (opts.checkboxAutoHide) {
if (opts.rtl) {
.attr("DIR", "RTL")
} else {
if (opts.aria) {
tree.$container.attr("role", "tree");
if (opts.selectMode !== 1) {
tree.$container.attr("aria-multiselectable", true);
/** Parse Fancytree from source, as configured in the options.
* @param {EventData} ctx
* @param {object} [source] optional new source (use last data otherwise)
treeLoad: function (ctx, source) {
var metaData,
tree = ctx.tree,
$container = ctx.widget.element,
// calling context for root node
rootCtx = $.extend({}, ctx, { node: this.rootNode });
if (tree.rootNode.children) {
source = source || this.options.source;
if (!source) {
type = $"type") || "html";
switch (type) {
case "html":
// There should be an embedded `<ul>` with initial nodes,
// but another `<ul class='fancytree-container'>` is appended
// to the tree's <div> on startup anyway.
$ul = $container
if ($ul.length) {
"ui-fancytree-source fancytree-helper-hidden"
source = $.ui.fancytree.parseHtml($ul);
// allow to init from <ul data-foo=''> = $.extend(,
} else {
"No `source` option was passed and container does not contain `<ul>`: assuming `source: []`."
source = [];
case "json":
source = $.parseJSON($container.text());
// $container already contains the <ul>, but we remove the plain (json) text
// $container.empty();
.filter(function () {
return this.nodeType === 3;
if ($.isPlainObject(source)) {
// We got {foo: 'abc', children: [...]}
"if an object is passed as source, it must contain a 'children' array (all other properties are added to '')"
metaData = source;
source = source.children;
delete metaData.children;
// Copy some attributes to
$.each(TREE_ATTRS, function (i, attr) {
if (metaData[attr] !== undefined) {
tree[attr] = metaData[attr];
delete metaData[attr];
// Copy extra properties to
$.extend(, metaData);
$.error("Invalid data-type: " + type);
} else if (typeof source === "string") {
// TODO: source is an element ID
$.error("Not implemented");
// preInit is fired when the widget markup is created, but nodes
// not yet loaded
tree._triggerTreeEvent("preInit", null);
// Trigger fancytreeinit after nodes have been loaded
dfd = this.nodeLoadChildren(rootCtx, source)
.done(function () {
if (ctx.options.selectMode === 3) {
if (tree.activeNode && tree.options.activeVisible) {
tree._triggerTreeEvent("init", null, { status: true });
.fail(function () {
tree._triggerTreeEvent("init", null, { status: false });
return dfd;
/** Node was inserted into or removed from the tree.
* @param {EventData} ctx
* @param {boolean} add
* @param {FancytreeNode} node
treeRegisterNode: function (ctx, add, node) {
add ? "addNode" : "removeNode"
/** Widget got focus.
* @param {EventData} ctx
* @param {boolean} [flag=true]
treeSetFocus: function (ctx, flag, callOpts) {
var targetNode;
flag = flag !== false;
// this.debug("treeSetFocus(" + flag + "), callOpts: ", callOpts, this.hasFocus());
// this.debug(" focusNode: " + this.focusNode);
// this.debug(" activeNode: " + this.activeNode);
if (flag !== this.hasFocus()) {
this._hasFocus = flag;
if (!flag && this.focusNode) {
// Node also looses focus if widget blurs
} else if (flag && (!callOpts || !callOpts.calledByNode)) {
this.$container.toggleClass("fancytree-treefocus", flag);
this._triggerTreeEvent(flag ? "focusTree" : "blurTree");
if (flag && !this.activeNode) {
// #712: Use last mousedowned node ('click' event fires after focusin)
targetNode =
this._lastMousedownNode || this.getFirstChild();
if (targetNode) {
/** Widget option was set using `$().fancytree("option", "KEY", VALUE)`.
* Note: `key` may reference a nested option, e.g. 'dnd5.scroll'.
* In this case `value`contains the complete, modified `dnd5` option hash.
* We can check for changed values like
* if( value.scroll !== tree.options.dnd5.scroll ) {...}
* @param {EventData} ctx
* @param {string} key option name
* @param {any} value option value
treeSetOption: function (ctx, key, value) {
var tree = ctx.tree,
callDefault = true,
callCreate = false,
callRender = false;
switch (key) {
case "aria":
case "checkbox":
case "icon":
case "minExpandLevel":
case "tabindex":
// tree._callHook("treeCreate", tree);
callCreate = true;
callRender = true;
case "checkboxAutoHide":
case "escapeTitles":
case "tooltip":
callRender = true;
case "rtl":
if (value === false) {
} else {
.attr("DIR", "RTL")
callRender = true;
case "source":
callDefault = false;
tree._callHook("treeLoad", tree, value);
callRender = true;
"set option " +
key +
"=" +
value +
" <" +
typeof value +
if (callDefault) {
if (this.widget._super) {
// jQuery UI 1.9+, key, value);
} else {
// jQuery UI <= 1.8, we have to manually invoke the _setOption method from the base widget
if (callCreate) {
tree._callHook("treeCreate", tree);
if (callRender) {
tree.render(true, false); // force, not-deep
/** A Node was added, removed, moved, or it's visibility changed.
* @param {EventData} ctx
treeStructureChanged: function (ctx, type) {},
* jQuery UI widget boilerplate
* The plugin (derrived from [jQuery.Widget](
* **Note:**
* These methods implement the standard jQuery UI widget API.
* It is recommended to use methods of the {Fancytree} instance instead
* @example
* // DEPRECATED: Access jQuery UI widget methods and members:
* var tree = $("#tree").fancytree("getTree");
* var node = $("#tree").fancytree("getActiveNode");
* // RECOMMENDED: Use the Fancytree object API
* var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree");
* var node = tree.getActiveNode();
* // or you may already have stored the tree instance upon creation:
* import {createTree, version} from 'jquery.fancytree'
* const tree = createTree('#tree', { ... });
* var node = tree.getActiveNode();
* @see {Fancytree_Static#getTree}
* @deprecated Use methods of the {Fancytree} instance instead
* @mixin Fancytree_Widget
/** @lends Fancytree_Widget# */
/**These options will be used as defaults
* @type {FancytreeOptions}
options: {
activeVisible: true,
ajax: {
type: "GET",
cache: false, // false: Append random '_' argument to the request url to prevent caching.
// timeout: 0, // >0: Make sure we get an ajax error if server is unreachable
dataType: "json", // Expect json format and pass json object to callbacks.
aria: true,
autoActivate: true,
autoCollapse: false,
autoScroll: false,
checkbox: false,
clickFolderMode: 4,
copyFunctionsToData: false,
debugLevel: null, // 0..4 (null: use global setting $.ui.fancytree.debugLevel)
disabled: false, // TODO: required anymore?
enableAspx: 42, // TODO: this is truethy, but distinguishable from true: default will change to false in the future
escapeTitles: false,
extensions: [],
focusOnSelect: false,
generateIds: false,
icon: true,
idPrefix: "ft_",
keyboard: true,
keyPathSeparator: "/",
minExpandLevel: 1,
nodata: true, // (bool, string, or callback) display message, when no data available
quicksearch: false,
rtl: false,
scrollOfs: { top: 0, bottom: 0 },
scrollParent: null,
selectMode: 2,
strings: {
loading: "Loading...", // &#8230; would be escaped when escapeTitles is true
loadError: "Load error!",
moreData: "More...",
noData: "No data.",
tabindex: "0",
titlesTabbable: false,
toggleEffect: { effect: "slideToggle", duration: 200 }, //< "toggle" or "slideToggle" to use jQuery instead of jQueryUI for toggleEffect animation
tooltip: false,
treeId: null,
_classNames: {
active: "fancytree-active",
animating: "fancytree-animating",
combinedExpanderPrefix: "fancytree-exp-",
combinedIconPrefix: "fancytree-ico-",
error: "fancytree-error",
expanded: "fancytree-expanded",
focused: "fancytree-focused",
folder: "fancytree-folder",
hasChildren: "fancytree-has-children",
lastsib: "fancytree-lastsib",
lazy: "fancytree-lazy",
loading: "fancytree-loading",
node: "fancytree-node",
partload: "fancytree-partload",
partsel: "fancytree-partsel",
radio: "fancytree-radio",
selected: "fancytree-selected",
statusNodePrefix: "fancytree-statusnode-",
unselectable: "fancytree-unselectable",
// events
lazyLoad: null,
postProcess: null,
_deprecationWarning: function (name) {
var tree = this.tree;
if (tree && tree.options.debugLevel >= 3) {
"$().fancytree('" +
name +
"') is deprecated (see"
/* Set up the widget, Called on first $().fancytree() */
_create: function () {
this.tree = new Fancytree(this);
this.$source =
this.source ||"type") === "json"
? this.element
: this.element.find(">ul").first();
// Subclass Fancytree instance with all enabled extensions
var extension,
opts = this.options,
extensions = opts.extensions,
base = this.tree;
for (i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
extName = extensions[i];
extension = $.ui.fancytree._extensions[extName];
if (!extension) {
"Could not apply extension '" +
extName +
"' (it is not registered, did you forget to include it?)"
// Add extension options as tree.options.EXTENSION
// _assert(!this.tree.options[extName], "Extension name must not exist as option name: " + extName);
//"extend " + extName, extension.options, this.tree.options[extName])
// issue #876: we want to replace custom array-options, not merge them
this.tree.options[extName] = _simpleDeepMerge(
// this.tree.options[extName] = $.extend(true, {}, extension.options, this.tree.options[extName]);
//"extend " + extName + " =>", this.tree.options[extName])
//"extend " + extName + " org default =>", extension.options)
// Add a namespace tree.ext.EXTENSION, to hold instance data
this.tree.ext[extName] === undefined,
"Extension name must not exist as Fancytree.ext attribute: '" +
extName +
// this.tree[extName] = extension;
this.tree.ext[extName] = {};
// Subclass Fancytree methods using proxies.
_subclassObject(this.tree, base, extension, extName);
// current extension becomes base for the next extension
base = extension;
if (opts.icons !== undefined) {
// 2015-11-16
if (opts.icon === true) {
"'icons' tree option is deprecated since v2.14.0: use 'icon' instead"
opts.icon = opts.icons;
} else {
"'icons' tree option is deprecated since v2.14.0: use 'icon' only instead"
if (opts.iconClass !== undefined) {
// 2015-11-16
if (opts.icon) {
"'iconClass' tree option is deprecated since v2.14.0: use 'icon' only instead"
} else {
"'iconClass' tree option is deprecated since v2.14.0: use 'icon' instead"
opts.icon = opts.iconClass;
if (opts.tabbable !== undefined) {
// 2016-04-04
opts.tabindex = opts.tabbable ? "0" : "-1";
"'tabbable' tree option is deprecated since v2.17.0: use 'tabindex='" +
opts.tabindex +
"' instead"
this.tree._callHook("treeCreate", this.tree);
// Note: 'fancytreecreate' event is fired by widget base class
// this.tree._triggerTreeEvent("create");
/* Called on every $().fancytree() */
_init: function () {
this.tree._callHook("treeInit", this.tree);
// TODO: currently we call bind after treeInit, because treeInit
// might change tree.$container.
// It would be better, to move event binding into hooks altogether
/* Use the _setOption method to respond to changes to options. */
_setOption: function (key, value) {
return this.tree._callHook(
/** Use the destroy method to clean up any modifications your widget has made to the DOM */
_destroy: function () {
this.tree._callHook("treeDestroy", this.tree);
// In jQuery UI 1.8, you must invoke the destroy method from the base widget
// $;
// TODO: delete tree and nodes to make garbage collect easier?
// TODO: In jQuery UI 1.9 and above, you would define _destroy instead of destroy and not call the base method
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Remove all event handlers for our namespace */
_unbind: function () {
var ns = this.tree._ns;;
/* Add mouse and kyboard handlers to the container */
_bind: function () {
var self = this,
opts = this.options,
tree = this.tree,
ns = tree._ns;
// selstartEvent = ( $.support.selectstart ? "selectstart" : "mousedown" )
// Remove all previuous handlers for this tree
//alert("keydown" + ns + "foc=" + tree.hasFocus() + tree.$container);
// tree.debug("bind events; container: ", tree.$container);
.on("focusin" + ns + " focusout" + ns, function (event) {
var node = FT.getNode(event),
flag = event.type === "focusin";
if (!flag && node && $("a")) {
// #764
"Ignored focusout on embedded <a> element."
//, event);
// tree.debug("Tree container got event " + event.type, node, event, FT.getEventTarget(event));
if (flag) {
if (tree._getExpiringValue("focusin")) {
// #789: IE 11 may send duplicate focusin events
tree.debug("Ignored double focusin.");
tree._setExpiringValue("focusin", true, 50);
if (!node) {
// #789: IE 11 may send focusin before mousdown(?)
node = tree._getExpiringValue("mouseDownNode");
if (node) {
"Reconstruct mouse target for focusin from recent event."
if (node) {
// For example clicking into an <input> that is part of a node
tree._makeHookContext(node, event),
} else {
if (
tree.tbody &&
"table.fancytree-container > thead"
) {
// #767: ignore events in the table's header
"Ignore focus event outside table body.",
} else {
tree._callHook("treeSetFocus", tree, flag);
"selectstart" + ns,
function (event) {
// prevent mouse-drags to select text ranges
// tree.debug("<span title> got event " + event.type);
.on("keydown" + ns, function (event) {
// TODO: also bind keyup and keypress
// tree.debug("got event " + event.type + ", hasFocus:" + tree.hasFocus());
// if(opts.disabled || opts.keyboard === false || !tree.hasFocus() ){
if (opts.disabled || opts.keyboard === false) {
return true;
var res,
node = tree.focusNode, // node may be null
ctx = tree._makeHookContext(node || tree, event),
prevPhase = tree.phase;
try {
tree.phase = "userEvent";
// If a 'fancytreekeydown' handler returns false, skip the default
// handling (implemented by tree.nodeKeydown()).
if (node) {
res = tree._triggerNodeEvent(
} else {
res = tree._triggerTreeEvent("keydown", event);
if (res === "preventNav") {
res = true; // prevent keyboard navigation, but don't prevent default handling of embedded input controls
} else if (res !== false) {
res = tree._callHook("nodeKeydown", ctx);
return res;
} finally {
tree.phase = prevPhase;
.on("mousedown" + ns, function (event) {
var et = FT.getEventTarget(event);
// self.tree.debug("event(" + event.type + "): node: ", et.node);
// #712: Store the clicked node, so we can use it when we get a focusin event
// ('click' event fires after focusin)
// tree.debug("event(" + event.type + "): node: ", et.node);
tree._lastMousedownNode = et ? et.node : null;
// #789: Store the node also for a short period, so we can use it
// in a *resulting* focusin event
.on("click" + ns + " dblclick" + ns, function (event) {
if (opts.disabled) {
return true;
var ctx,
et = FT.getEventTarget(event),
node = et.node,
tree = self.tree,
prevPhase = tree.phase;
// self.tree.debug("event(" + event.type + "): node: ", node);
if (!node) {
return true; // Allow bubbling of other events
ctx = tree._makeHookContext(node, event);
// self.tree.debug("event(" + event.type + "): node: ", node);
try {
tree.phase = "userEvent";
switch (event.type) {
case "click":
ctx.targetType = et.type;
if (node.isPagingNode()) {
return (
) === true
return tree._triggerNodeEvent(
) === false
? false
: tree._callHook("nodeClick", ctx);
case "dblclick":
ctx.targetType = et.type;
return tree._triggerNodeEvent(
) === false
? false
: tree._callHook("nodeDblclick", ctx);
} finally {
tree.phase = prevPhase;
/** Return the active node or null.
* @returns {FancytreeNode}
* @deprecated Use methods of the Fancytree instance instead (<a href="Fancytree_Widget.html">example above</a>).
getActiveNode: function () {
return this.tree.activeNode;
/** Return the matching node or null.
* @param {string} key
* @returns {FancytreeNode}
* @deprecated Use methods of the Fancytree instance instead (<a href="Fancytree_Widget.html">example above</a>).
getNodeByKey: function (key) {
return this.tree.getNodeByKey(key);
/** Return the invisible system root node.
* @returns {FancytreeNode}
* @deprecated Use methods of the Fancytree instance instead (<a href="Fancytree_Widget.html">example above</a>).
getRootNode: function () {
return this.tree.rootNode;
/** Return the current tree instance.
* @returns {Fancytree}
* @deprecated Use `$.ui.fancytree.getTree()` instead (<a href="Fancytree_Widget.html">example above</a>).
getTree: function () {
return this.tree;
// $.ui.fancytree was created by the widget factory. Create a local shortcut:
FT = $.ui.fancytree;
* Static members in the `$.ui.fancytree` namespace.
* This properties and methods can be accessed without instantiating a concrete
* Fancytree instance.
* @example
* // Access static members:
* var node = $.ui.fancytree.getNode(element);
* alert($.ui.fancytree.version);
* @mixin Fancytree_Static
/** @lends Fancytree_Static# */
/** Version number `"MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH"`
* @type {string} */
version: "2.38.2", // Set to semver by 'grunt release'
/** @type {string}
* @description `"production" for release builds` */
buildType: "production", // Set to 'production' by 'grunt build'
/** @type {int}
* @description 0: silent .. 5: verbose (default: 3 for release builds). */
debugLevel: 3, // Set to 3 by 'grunt build'
// Used by $.ui.fancytree.debug() and as default for tree.options.debugLevel
_nextId: 1,
_nextNodeKey: 1,
_extensions: {},
// focusTree: null,
/** Expose class object as `$.ui.fancytree._FancytreeClass`.
* Useful to extend `$.ui.fancytree._FancytreeClass.prototype`.
* @type {Fancytree}
_FancytreeClass: Fancytree,
/** Expose class object as $.ui.fancytree._FancytreeNodeClass
* Useful to extend `$.ui.fancytree._FancytreeNodeClass.prototype`.
* @type {FancytreeNode}
_FancytreeNodeClass: FancytreeNode,
/* Feature checks to provide backwards compatibility */
jquerySupports: {
positionMyOfs: isVersionAtLeast($.ui.version, 1, 9),
/** Throw an error if condition fails (debug method).
* @param {boolean} cond
* @param {string} msg
assert: function (cond, msg) {
return _assert(cond, msg);
/** Create a new Fancytree instance on a target element.
* @param {Element | jQueryObject | string} el Target DOM element or selector
* @param {FancytreeOptions} [opts] Fancytree options
* @returns {Fancytree} new tree instance
* @example
* var tree = $.ui.fancytree.createTree("#tree", {
* source: {url: "my/webservice"}
* }); // Create tree for this matching element
* @since 2.25
createTree: function (el, opts) {
var $tree = $(el).fancytree(opts);
return FT.getTree($tree);
/** Return a function that executes *fn* at most every *timeout* ms.
* @param {integer} timeout
* @param {function} fn
* @param {boolean} [invokeAsap=false]
* @param {any} [ctx]
debounce: function (timeout, fn, invokeAsap, ctx) {
var timer;
if (arguments.length === 3 && typeof invokeAsap !== "boolean") {
ctx = invokeAsap;
invokeAsap = false;
return function () {
var args = arguments;
ctx = ctx || this;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions
invokeAsap && !timer && fn.apply(ctx, args);
timer = setTimeout(function () {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions
invokeAsap || fn.apply(ctx, args);
timer = null;
}, timeout);
/** Write message to console if debugLevel >= 4
* @param {string} msg
debug: function (msg) {
if ($.ui.fancytree.debugLevel >= 4) {
consoleApply("log", arguments);
/** Write error message to console if debugLevel >= 1.
* @param {string} msg
error: function (msg) {
if ($.ui.fancytree.debugLevel >= 1) {
consoleApply("error", arguments);
/** Convert `<`, `>`, `&`, `"`, `'`, and `/` to the equivalent entities.
* @param {string} s
* @returns {string}
escapeHtml: function (s) {
return ("" + s).replace(REX_HTML, function (s) {
return ENTITY_MAP[s];
/** Make jQuery.position() arguments backwards compatible, i.e. if
* jQuery UI version <= 1.8, convert
* { my: "left+3 center", at: "left bottom", of: $target }
* to
* { my: "left center", at: "left bottom", of: $target, offset: "3 0" }
* See
* and
* @param {object} opts
* @returns {object} the (potentially modified) original opts hash object
fixPositionOptions: function (opts) {
if (opts.offset || ("" + +"%") >= 0) {
"expected new position syntax (but '%' is not supported)"
if (!$.ui.fancytree.jquerySupports.positionMyOfs) {
var // parse 'left+3 center' into ['left+3 center', 'left', '+3', 'center', undefined]
myParts = /(\w+)([+-]?\d+)?\s+(\w+)([+-]?\d+)?/.exec(
atParts = /(\w+)([+-]?\d+)?\s+(\w+)([+-]?\d+)?/.exec(
// convert to numbers
dx =
(myParts[2] ? +myParts[2] : 0) +
(atParts[2] ? +atParts[2] : 0),
dy =
(myParts[4] ? +myParts[4] : 0) +
(atParts[4] ? +atParts[4] : 0);
opts = $.extend({}, opts, {
// make a copy and overwrite
my: myParts[1] + " " + myParts[3],
at: atParts[1] + " " + atParts[3],
if (dx || dy) {
opts.offset = "" + dx + " " + dy;
return opts;
/** Return a {node: FancytreeNode, type: TYPE} object for a mouse event.
* @param {Event} event Mouse event, e.g. click, ...
* @returns {object} Return a {node: FancytreeNode, type: TYPE} object
* TYPE: 'title' | 'prefix' | 'expander' | 'checkbox' | 'icon' | undefined
getEventTarget: function (event) {
var $target,
tcn = event && ? : "",
res = { node: this.getNode(, type: undefined };
// We use a fast version of $(res.node).hasClass()
// See
if (/\bfancytree-title\b/.test(tcn)) {
res.type = "title";
} else if (/\bfancytree-expander\b/.test(tcn)) {
res.type =
res.node.hasChildren() === false
? "prefix"
: "expander";
// }else if( /\bfancytree-checkbox\b/.test(tcn) || /\bfancytree-radio\b/.test(tcn) ){
} else if (/\bfancytree-checkbox\b/.test(tcn)) {
res.type = "checkbox";
} else if (/\bfancytree(-custom)?-icon\b/.test(tcn)) {
res.type = "icon";
} else if (/\bfancytree-node\b/.test(tcn)) {
// Somewhere near the title
res.type = "title";
} else if (event && {
$target = $(;
if ($"ul[role=group]")) {
// #nnn: Clicking right to a node may hit the surrounding UL
tree = res.node && res.node.tree;
(tree || FT).debug("Ignoring click on outer UL.");
res.node = null;
} else if ($target.closest(".fancytree-title").length) {
// #228: clicking an embedded element inside a title
res.type = "title";
} else if ($target.closest(".fancytree-checkbox").length) {
// E.g. <svg> inside checkbox span
res.type = "checkbox";
} else if ($target.closest(".fancytree-expander").length) {
res.type = "expander";
return res;
/** Return a string describing the affected node region for a mouse event.
* @param {Event} event Mouse event, e.g. click, mousemove, ...
* @returns {string} 'title' | 'prefix' | 'expander' | 'checkbox' | 'icon' | undefined
getEventTargetType: function (event) {
return this.getEventTarget(event).type;
/** Return a FancytreeNode instance from element, event, or jQuery object.
* @param {Element | jQueryObject | Event} el
* @returns {FancytreeNode} matching node or null
getNode: function (el) {
if (el instanceof FancytreeNode) {
return el; // el already was a FancytreeNode
} else if (el instanceof $) {
el = el[0]; // el was a jQuery object: use the DOM element
} else if (el.originalEvent !== undefined) {
el =; // el was an Event
while (el) {
if (el.ftnode) {
return el.ftnode;
el = el.parentNode;
return null;
/** Return a Fancytree instance, from element, index, event, or jQueryObject.
* @param {Element | jQueryObject | Event | integer | string} [el]
* @returns {Fancytree} matching tree or null
* @example
* $.ui.fancytree.getTree(); // Get first Fancytree instance on page
* $.ui.fancytree.getTree(1); // Get second Fancytree instance on page
* $.ui.fancytree.getTree(event); // Get tree for this mouse- or keyboard event
* $.ui.fancytree.getTree("foo"); // Get tree for this `opts.treeId`
* $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree"); // Get tree for this matching element
* @since 2.13
getTree: function (el) {
var widget,
orgEl = el;
if (el instanceof Fancytree) {
return el; // el already was a Fancytree
if (el === undefined) {
el = 0; // get first tree
if (typeof el === "number") {
el = $(".fancytree-container").eq(el); // el was an integer: return nth instance
} else if (typeof el === "string") {
// `el` may be a treeId or a selector:
el = $("#ft-id-" + orgEl).eq(0);
if (!el.length) {
el = $(orgEl).eq(0); // el was a selector: use first match
} else if (
el instanceof Element ||
el instanceof HTMLDocument
) {
el = $(el);
} else if (el instanceof $) {
el = el.eq(0); // el was a jQuery object: use the first
} else if (el.originalEvent !== undefined) {
el = $(; // el was an Event
// el is a jQuery object wit one element here
el = el.closest(":ui-fancytree");
widget ="ui-fancytree") ||"fancytree"); // the latter is required by jQuery <= 1.8
return widget ? widget.tree : null;
/** Return an option value that has a default, but may be overridden by a
* callback or a node instance attribute.
* Evaluation sequence:
* If `tree.options.<optionName>` is a callback that returns something, use that.
* Else if `node.<optionName>` is defined, use that.
* Else if `tree.options.<optionName>` is a value, use that.
* Else use `defaultValue`.
* @param {string} optionName name of the option property (on node and tree)
* @param {FancytreeNode} node passed to the callback
* @param {object} nodeObject where to look for the local option property, e.g. `node` or ``
* @param {object} treeOption where to look for the tree option, e.g. `tree.options` or `tree.options.dnd5`
* @param {any} [defaultValue]
* @returns {any}
* @example
* // Check for, tree,, and
* $.ui.fancytree.evalOption("foo", node, node, tree.options);
* // Check for, tree,, and
* $.ui.fancytree.evalOption("bar", node,, tree.options.qux);
* @since 2.22
evalOption: function (
) {
var ctx,
tree = node.tree,
treeOpt = treeOptions[optionName],
nodeOpt = nodeObject[optionName];
if (_isFunction(treeOpt)) {
ctx = {
node: node,
tree: tree,
widget: tree.widget,
options: tree.widget.options,
typeInfo: tree.types[node.type] || {},
res =, { type: optionName }, ctx);
if (res == null) {
res = nodeOpt;
} else {
res = nodeOpt == null ? treeOpt : nodeOpt;
if (res == null) {
res = defaultValue; // no option set at all: return default
return res;
/** Set expander, checkbox, or node icon, supporting string and object format.
* @param {Element | jQueryObject} span
* @param {string} baseClass
* @param {string | object} icon
* @since 2.27
setSpanIcon: function (span, baseClass, icon) {
var $span = $(span);
if (typeof icon === "string") {
$span.attr("class", baseClass + " " + icon);
} else {
// support object syntax: { text: ligature, addClasse: classname }
if (icon.text) {
$span.text("" + icon.text);
} else if (icon.html) {
span.innerHTML = icon.html;
baseClass + " " + (icon.addClass || "")
/** Convert a keydown or mouse event to a canonical string like 'ctrl+a',
* 'ctrl+shift+f2', 'shift+leftdblclick'.
* This is especially handy for switch-statements in event handlers.
* @param {event}
* @returns {string}
* @example
switch( $.ui.fancytree.eventToString(event) ) {
case "-":
tree.nodeSetExpanded(ctx, false);
case "shift+return":
tree.nodeSetActive(ctx, true);
case "down":
res = node.navigate(event.which, activate);
handled = false;
if( handled ){
eventToString: function (event) {
// Poor-man's hotkeys. See here for a complete implementation:
var which = event.which,
et = event.type,
s = [];
if (event.altKey) {
if (event.ctrlKey) {
if (event.metaKey) {
if (event.shiftKey) {
if (et === "click" || et === "dblclick") {
s.push(MOUSE_BUTTONS[event.button] + et);
} else if (et === "wheel") {
} else if (!IGNORE_KEYCODES[which]) {
return s.join("+");
/** Write message to console if debugLevel >= 3
* @param {string} msg
info: function (msg) {
if ($.ui.fancytree.debugLevel >= 3) {
consoleApply("info", arguments);
/* @deprecated: use eventToString(event) instead.
keyEventToString: function (event) {
"keyEventToString() is deprecated: use eventToString()"
return this.eventToString(event);
/** Return a wrapped handler method, that provides `this._super`.
* @example
// Implement `opts.createNode` event to add the 'draggable' attribute
$.ui.fancytree.overrideMethod(ctx.options, "createNode", function(event, data) {
// Default processing if any
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Add 'draggable' attribute
data.node.span.draggable = true;
* @param {object} instance
* @param {string} methodName
* @param {function} handler
* @param {object} [context] optional context
overrideMethod: function (instance, methodName, handler, context) {
var prevSuper,
_super = instance[methodName] || $.noop;
instance[methodName] = function () {
var self = context || this;
try {
prevSuper = self._super;
self._super = _super;
return handler.apply(self, arguments);
} finally {
self._super = prevSuper;
* Parse tree data from HTML <ul> markup
* @param {jQueryObject} $ul
* @returns {NodeData[]}
parseHtml: function ($ul) {
var classes,
$children = $ul.find(">li"),
children = [];
$children.each(function () {
var allData,
$li = $(this),
$liSpan = $li.find(">span", this).first(),
$liA = $liSpan.length ? null : $li.find(">a").first(),
d = { tooltip: null, data: {} };
if ($liSpan.length) {
d.title = $liSpan.html();
} else if ($liA && $liA.length) {
// If a <li><a> tag is specified, use it literally and extract href/target.
d.title = $liA.html(); = $liA.attr("href"); = $liA.attr("target");
d.tooltip = $liA.attr("title");
} else {
// If only a <li> tag is specified, use the trimmed string up to
// the next child <ul> tag.
d.title = $li.html();
iPos =<ul/i);
if (iPos >= 0) {
d.title = d.title.substring(0, iPos);
d.title = _trim(d.title);
// Make sure all fields exist
for (i = 0, l = CLASS_ATTRS.length; i < l; i++) {
d[CLASS_ATTRS[i]] = undefined;
// Initialize to `true`, if class is set and collect extraClasses
classes = this.className.split(" ");
extraClasses = [];
for (i = 0, l = classes.length; i < l; i++) {
className = classes[i];
if (CLASS_ATTR_MAP[className]) {
d[className] = true;
} else {
d.extraClasses = extraClasses.join(" ");
// Parse node options from ID, title and class attributes
tmp = $li.attr("title");
if (tmp) {
d.tooltip = tmp; // overrides <a title='...'>
tmp = $li.attr("id");
if (tmp) {
d.key = tmp;
// Translate hideCheckbox -> checkbox:false
if ($li.attr("hideCheckbox")) {
d.checkbox = false;
// Add <li data-NAME='...'> as
allData = _getElementDataAsDict($li);
if (allData && !$.isEmptyObject(allData)) {
// #507: convert data-hidecheckbox (lower case) to hideCheckbox
for (lowerCaseAttr in NODE_ATTR_LOWERCASE_MAP) {
if (_hasProp(allData, lowerCaseAttr)) {
] = allData[lowerCaseAttr];
delete allData[lowerCaseAttr];
// #56: Allow to set special node.attributes from data-...
for (i = 0, l = NODE_ATTRS.length; i < l; i++) {
tmp = NODE_ATTRS[i];
tmp2 = allData[tmp];
if (tmp2 != null) {
delete allData[tmp];
d[tmp] = tmp2;
// All other data-... goes to
$.extend(, allData);
// Recursive reading of child nodes, if LI tag contains an UL tag
$ul = $li.find(">ul").first();
if ($ul.length) {
d.children = $.ui.fancytree.parseHtml($ul);
} else {
d.children = d.lazy ? undefined : null;
// FT.debug("parse ", d, children);
return children;
/** Add Fancytree extension definition to the list of globally available extensions.
* @param {object} definition
registerExtension: function (definition) {
_assert( != null,
"extensions must have a `name` property."
definition.version != null,
"extensions must have a `version` property."
$.ui.fancytree._extensions[] = definition;
/** Replacement for the deprecated `jQuery.trim()`.
* @param {string} text
trim: _trim,
/** Inverse of escapeHtml().
* @param {string} s
* @returns {string}
unescapeHtml: function (s) {
var e = document.createElement("div");
e.innerHTML = s;
return e.childNodes.length === 0
? ""
: e.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
/** Write warning message to console if debugLevel >= 2.
* @param {string} msg
warn: function (msg) {
if ($.ui.fancytree.debugLevel >= 2) {
consoleApply("warn", arguments);
// Value returned by `require('jquery.fancytree')`
return $.ui.fancytree;
}); // End of closure